Psychology Archive

Eric Taylor, University of Toronto – Human Perception

Selective attention is a key practice to help us process our busy world. Today on The

Robin Kowalski, Clemson University – Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is a giant concern in the internet age. Today on The Academic Minute: Robin Kowalski,

Victor Sojo, University of Melbourne – The Risk of Everyday Sexism at Work

Workplace sexism isn’t always visible. Victor Sojo, post-doctoral research fellow at the University of Melbourne, discusses

Berthold Hoeckner, University of Chicago – Wisdom, Meditation and Ballet Too

Does wisdom come from the mind or does the body have a part to play as

Corinna Loeckenhoff, Cornell University – Self-Continuity

Are you living in the past or the future? Corinna Loeckenhoff, Associate Professor of Human Development

Rebecca Gullan, Gwynedd Mercy University – Mentors that Matter

How important is having a good mentor during college? Rebecca Lakin Gullan, associate professor of psychology

Brian Primack, University of Pittsburgh – Social Media and Depression

Does being addicted to social media make you more depressed? Brian Primack, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Health

Jay Zagorsky, The Ohio State University – Are Blondes Less Intelligent?

Are blondes really less intelligent? Jay Zagorsky, research scientist at The Ohio State University, discusses whether

Robin Queen, University of Michigan – Typos & Personality

Why are some people the grammar police and others not? Robin Queen, Professor of Linguistics at

Steven Neuberg, Arizona State University – Women, Ovulation and Mate Guarding

Do women know when to keep their partners away from other ovulating women? Steven Neuberg, foundation