Month: June 2023
C. Michael White, University of Connecticut – Psychedelic Medication Reduces Anxiety and Depression in Cancer Patients
Is there a better way to treat anxiety and depression for patients with cancer? C. Michael White, distinguished professor and chair of pharmacy practice at the University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy, considers the question. Michael White, Pharm.D., FCP, FCCP, FASHP has ~500 publications resulting in 16577 citations with an H-index of 67; placing him…
Moti Mizrahi, Florida Institute of Technology – “Scientism” as an Anti-Science of Doubt and Disbelief
The terms people use to stoke disbelief and doubt in science can be costly. Moti Mizrahi, associate professor of philosophy in the school of arts and communication at Florida Institute of Technology, details how. Moti Mizrahi is Associate Professor of philosophy in the School of Arts and Communication at the Florida Institute of Technology. He…
Dan Laufer, Victoria University of Wellington – Consequences of Journalists Violating their Code of Ethics
Break the journalism code of ethics at your own risk. Dan Laufer, associate professor of marketing at Victoria University of Wellington, examines one instance where harm was done by crossing a line. Dr Daniel Laufer, PhD, MBA (The University of Texas at Austin, USA), is an Associate Professor of Marketing at Victoria University of Wellington…
Joanne Dickson, Edith Cowan University – Are You Chasing Your Dreams or Running from Your Fears?
How you approach your goals can be key to attaining them. Joanne Dickson, professor of psychology and mental health at Edith Cowan University, determines the best way to look at where you want to go. Joanne M. Dickson is a Professor of Psychology and Mental Health in the School of Arts & Humanities, at Edith…
Sophie Chao, University of Sydney – Why Mourning Matters in the Anthropocene
How humans react to environmental change can take many forms. Sophie Chao, Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) Fellow and Lecturer in the Discipline of Anthropology at the University of Sydney, explores one. Sophie Chao is an anthropologist interested in the intersections of Indigeneity, ecology, capitalism, health, and justice in the Pacific. She is author…
This Week on The Academic Minute (2023.06.26)
This Week on The Academic Minute 2023.06.26 Monday Sophie Chao, Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) Fellow and Lecturer in the Discipline of Anthropology at the University of Sydney, says humans react to environmental change in many forms. Tuesday Joanne Dickson, professor of psychology and mental health at Edith Cowan University, determines the best way…
The Academic Minute for 2023.06.19-2023.06.23
The Academic Minute from 6.19 – 6.23 Monday John Cigliano – Cedar Crest College Microplastics John A. Cigliano, Ph.D., is a professor of biology and director of environmental conservation at Cedar Crest College in Allentown, Pennsylvania. He also serves as an Earthwatch Institute principal investigator and as adjunct research faculty at the Schoodic Institute at Acadia National Park in Maine. Cigliano, who…
TaLisa J. Carter, American University – Future Correctional Practitioners See A Broken System
The future practitioners of the criminal justice system do not see a rosy picture ahead. TaLisa J. Carter, assistant professor in the department of justice, law, and criminology at American University, explains why. TaLisa J. Carter, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Justice, Law & Criminology at American University, a non-resident fellow…
Erica Kosal, North Carolina State University – The Importance of Developing Students’ Critical Thinking Skills
How important is thinking creatively for students? Erica Kosal, director of the life sciences first year program and associate teaching professor of biological sciences at North Carolina State University, discusses this. Erica loves teaching biology and helping students find their niche in college and fit for a major. As a teaching faculty member at NC…
PK Toh, University of Texas at Austin – Who Pulls a Company Out of a (Technological) Rut?
Star employees aren’t the only ones who shape the future of a company. PK Toh, associate professor of management at the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin, examines when the rest of the team is just as important. PK Toh is an associate professor of management at The University of…