Psychology Archive

David Frederick, Chapman University – Attractiveness and Mating

Men and women have notable differences in what they look for in a long-term mate. David

Daniel Sznycer, Arizona State University – Shame and Social Devaluation

How does shame affect your behavior? Daniel Sznycer, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Psychology, Arizona State University. Affiliated

Scott Glassman, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine – Shared Medical Appointments

You could be sharing your doctor during your next visit. Scott Glassman, clinical assistant professor in

Susan Snyder, Georgia State University – Problematic Internet Usage Among College Students

The internet makes college easier; but can it be too much of a good thing? Susan

Elliot Berkman, University of Oregon – How Poverty Reduces Self-Control

What do self-control and poverty have to do with each other? Elliot Berkman, assistant professor in

Chris Hopwood, Michigan State University – Women More Sensitive to Annoying Behavior

Does your sex help determine how annoying you find your co-workers? Chris Hopwood, associate professor of

Adam Brown, Sarah Lawrence College – PTSD Treatments

Having PTSD may hinder your ability to imagine a positive future for yourself. Adam Brown, clinical

June Pilcher, Clemson University – Lack of Sleep and Decision Making

Your level of self-control could be tied to the amount of sleep you had last night.

Anna Sosa, Northern Arizona University – Traditional vs Electronic Toys

Should infants be learning language from electronic toys? Anna Sosa, professor of communication sciences and disorders

David Hugh-Jones, University of East Anglia – Honesty Across Cultures

If you’re looking for honesty, not all countries are alike. David Hugh-Jones, senior lecturer in economics