Health Archive

Susan Dicklitch-Nelson, Franklin & Marshall College – Safety of Sexual Minorities

The world is becoming more tolerant for LGBTQ individuals, but we have a long way to

Brian King, Penn State University – Climate Change and the Fight against HIV

How does food scarcity affect the treatment of HIV? Brian King, associate professor in the department

Simon Haeder, West Virginia University – Lessons from the Past on Healthcare

Governments taking away healthcare is actually quite rare. Simon Haeder, assistant professor of political science at

Donald Schaffner, Rutgers University – Hand Washing

How much lather time is enough for washing your hands? Donald Schaffner, professor in the department

Bruce Y. Lee, Johns Hopkins University – Physical Inactivity is Everyone’s Problem

Today’s kids are not getting enough physical activity. Bruce Lee, Associate Professor of International Health at

Joseph Chakkalakal, University of Rochester – Stem Cells and Muscle Decay

Muscle decay happens to the best of us as we age, but what if we could

Kate Sweeny, University of California Riverside – Mindfulness and the Stress of Waiting

Does waiting make you stressed? Kate Sweeny, associate professor in the department of psychology at the

Virginia Ramseyer Winter, University of Missouri – Teen Body Image Perception

Body image can be a troubling topic for teens. Virginia Ramseyer Winter, assistant professor in the

Charles P. Hoy-Ellis, University of Utah – Transgender Older Adults and the Military

Does military service negatively affect transgender adults? Charles P. Hoy-Ellis, assistant professor in the college of

Brian Beatty, New York Institute of Technology – Heart Disease

Finding an easier way to detect heart disease could be closer than you think. Brian Beatty,