Biology Archive

Michael McGrann, William Jessup University – Songbirds and Effects of Climate Change

Climate change is having an impact on the routines of songbirds. Michael McGrann, assistant professor of

Bessie Lawton, West Chester University – Ancestry DNA Tests

DNA tests are becoming more popular in our culture. Bessie Lawton, associate professor of communication studies

Nikos Solounias, New York Institute of Technology – How Many Toes Do Horses Have?

Horse’s anatomy might need a re-write. Nikos Solounias, professor of anatomy and basic sciences at the

William Barrington, University of California Los Angeles – Genetics and Dietary Recommendations

One diet does not fit all. William Barrington, postdoctoral scientist at the University of California Los

Monica Lewin, New York University – Blocking the Effects of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

On this Student Spotlight: Is there help on the way for those affected by fetal alcohol

Jack Tseng, University at Buffalo – Carnivore Skull Shape and Diet

β€œYou are what you eat” just got more prophetic. Jack Tseng, assistant professor in the department

Sadie Witkowski, Northwestern University – Sleep and Memory

On this Student Spotlight: Can you learn while sleeping? Sadie Witkowski, PhD candidate in the department

Evripidis Gavathiotis, Albert Einstein College of Medicine – Cell Death and Cancer Cells

How do we kill cancer cells that are resistant to the proteins that look to kill

Jonathan Pruitt, University of California Santa Barbara – The Great Man Theory

Is a good leader always able to rally the troops? Jonathan Pruitt, associate professor in the

Adam McLain, SUNY Polytechnic Institute – New Lemur Species Discovered

We are still discovering new species. Adam McLain, assistant professor of biology in the department of