David Cox, University of Surrey – The World’s Smallest Snowman

Do you want to build the world smallest snowman? David Cox, a fellow at the University

Rhett Brymer, Miami University – Referee Bias in NCAA Football

Are the referees playing by the rules? Rhett Brymer, a professor at the Farmer School of

Frank Frisch, Chapman University – Osteoporosis & Stress Factors

Can stress in the workplace intensify the symptoms of osteoporosis? Frank Frisch, a kinesiologist at Chapman

2015.2.9 – This Week on The Academic Minute

Monday, February 9 Frank Frisch of Chapman University examines the relationship between stress and osteoporosis. Tuesday,

Stephanie Pietros, Mt. St. Mary College – Shakespearean Satire

Saturday Night Live premiered in 1975, but satire is hardly a new concept. Stephanie Pietros, a

Jessica Gall Myrick, Indiana University – Celebrity Influence

The suicide of Robin Williams is just the latest example of a celebrity’s actions raising the

Kim Haines-Eitzen featured on The Best of Our Knowledge

As always, host Bob Barrett selects an Academic Minute to air during The Best of Our

Jean Wahl Harris, University of Scranton – Duties of the First Lady

What exactly does the job description of First Lady of the United States consist of? We’re

Paul Matthew Sutter, Ohio State – Cosmological Nothingness

The concept of nothingness is very different in outer space. Paul Matthew Sutter, a theoretical physicist

University of The Pacific shows their WAMC pride

From left to right: Claudia Morain, director of communications for University of the Pacific, Prof. Jeffrey