Biology Archive

Leslie Knapp, University of Utah – Howler Monkey Calls

Does a deeper voice lead to better chances of reproducing for male howler monkeys? Leslie Knapp,

Emily Lescak, University of Alaska Anchorage – Evolutionary Timescales

How long does it take for a species to evolve? Emily Lescak, postdoctoral fellow at the

Mads Daugaard, University of British Columbia – Malaria Vaccine and Cancer

Chemotherapy can save lives but also be debilitating. Mads Daugaard, senior research scientist and assistant professor

Franco Pestilli, Indiana University – Re-discovering A Lost Part of the Brain

Did scientific rivalry delay an important discovery in brain research? Franco Pestilli, assistant professor in the

Leo Fleishman, Union College – Anoles

How do you show off your colors in a dark environment? Leo Fleishman, professor in biology

Jackie Dudley, University of Texas at Austin – Gene Therapy

An accidental discovery could lead to big advances in treating viruses. Jackie Dudley, professor of molecular

Phillip Sponenberg, VaTech – Geese & Turkeys

Dr. Phillip Sponenberg has become our resident zoology expert contributing previous pieces on domestic extinction, Choctaw hogs,

Blaine Pfeifer, University at Buffalo – E. Coli

Does E. Coli have a positive benefit to humans? Blaine Pfeifer, Associate Professor of Chemical and Biological

Gregory Cunningham, St. John Fisher College – Penguin’s Sense of Smell

Birds don’t have a sense of smell. Gregory Cunningham, associate professor of biology at St. John

Gaberiel Bever featured on The Best of Our Knowledge

As always, host Bob Barrett selects an Academic Minute to air during The Best of Our