Health Archive

Lynn Helding, Dickinson College – A Science of the Voice

Vocology is an emerging field focusing on the voice. Lynn Helding, a professor at Dickinson College,

Ritch Savin-Williams, Cornell University – Sexuality Spectrum

Human sexuality seems to be growing increasingly complex as the days go by. Ritch Savin-Williams, a

Jennifer Maynard, UT Austin – Outsmarting Whooping Cough

New insights into pertussis are helping to fight the disease. Jennifer Maynard, a chemical engineer at

Rob Hillier, Norwich University of the Arts – The Sylexiad Typeface

Dyslexia is one of the most commonly diagnosed learning disabilities. Rob Hillier, a graphic artist &

Somshuvra Mukhopadhyay, UT Austin – Unlocking Parkinson’s Disease

What does SLC30A10 mean to you? Chances are: not a lot. To, Somshuvra Mukhopadhyay, a pharmacologist

Frank Frisch, Chapman University – Osteoporosis & Stress Factors

Can stress in the workplace intensify the symptoms of osteoporosis? Frank Frisch, a kinesiologist at Chapman

Jessica Gall Myrick, Indiana University – Celebrity Influence

The suicide of Robin Williams is just the latest example of a celebrity’s actions raising the

Michele Markstein, UMass Amherst – Fighting Cancer with Fruit Flies

Because of their speedy reproductive rates, fruit flies are exceptionally useful for scientific experimentation. We’ve seen

Brian Balin, PCOM – Alzheimer’s Risk Factors

We’re learning more and more about Alzheimer’s disease. Some of that good work is being done

Lucy Thairu, Stanford University – Infant Mortality in Africa

As it continues to be an issue worldwide, a great deal has been written about infant