Health Archive

Dennis Wolan, Scripps Research Institute – Microbiotic Biology

There’s a lot of stuff happening in the human gut! Dennis Wolan, an assistant professor in

Anthony Bogaert, Brock University – Asexuality Studies

The more we learn about human sexuality, the more complicated it seems. Anthony Bogaert, a psychologist

Richard Peltier, UMass Amherst – Indigenous Air Pollution

The term air pollution might evoke images of an industrialized city with many factories each with

Jacob Hirsh, University of Toronto – Predicting Sustainability

Certain personality traits appear to have direct correlations with somewhat unrelated attitudes. Dr. Jacob Hirsh, a

Kimberly Fenn, MSU – Social Media Memories

Is your Facebook feed distorting your ability to recall events accurately? Kimberly Fenn, a psychologist at

Susan Arruda, Franklin Pierce University – Eyes & Flies

Some of the tiniest eyes in the world might hold insight into restoring human vision. Susan

Leah Levac, University of Guelph – Community Vitality Index

How can we best improve communities as a whole? Dr. Leah Levac, a political scientist at

Steven Barger, Northern Arizona University – Relationships & Depression

Do the people who surround you have sizable impact on your mental health? Dr. Steven Barger,

James Pivarnik, Michigan State – GPAs & Gym Memberships

How deep does the mind/body connection go? Dr. James Pivarnik, an epidemiologist at Michigan State University,

Steven Soifer, University of Memphis – Paruresis

Certain afflictions are embarrassing to discuss. Because of this, they remain untreated and can often worsen.