The Academic Minute for 2018.06.18-06.22
Academic Minute from 6.18 – 6.22
Monday, June 18th
Louise Kelly – University of La Verne
Entrepreneurs and Mindfulness
Dr. Kelly’s research is on strategy, leadership & entrepreneurship. She was as Program Dir. – PhD in Leadership. She is an Outstanding Scholar (US gov.) with 7 books & over 20 articles – her latest book was Entrepreneurial Women. She was voted Outstanding Professor & is fluent in French & Spanish.
Tuesday, June 19th
Taryn Morrissey – American University
Child Care Costs in the U.S.
Taryn Morrissey is Associate Professor of Public Policy in the School of Public Affairs at American University. Her work focuses on examining and improving public policies for vulnerable children, including early care and education, nutrition assistance, and public health policies. She is a non-resident fellow at the Urban Institute and author of Cradle to Kindergarten: A new plan to combat inequality (Russell Sage, 2017). Ongoing research investigates the effects of family economic instability, neighborhood poverty, and state paid family leave programs on children’s health and achievement. From 2013 to 2015, Dr. Morrissey was Senior Advisor in Human Services Policy in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. She worked primarily on President Obama’s Early Learning Initiative, including Early Head Start and child care. From 2008 to 2010, Dr. Morrissey served as Health Policy Advisor on the staff of the U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, first for Chairman Edward Kennedy and then Chairman Tom Harkin, where she worked on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and other public health issues. She began her career in policy as a Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) / American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Congressional Fellow. She received her Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology from Cornell University, and her B.S. from Tufts University.
Wednesday, June 20th
Ana Jimenez – Colgate University
Canine Life Spans and Size
Ana Jimenez is an assistant professor of biology at Colgate University. Her research specialties include animal physiology, environmental physiology, and organismal biology. Jimenez is primarily interested in the functional linkages between whole animal metabolic rate and the underlying mechanisms that influence its magnitude and direction. Her work has appeared in the Journal of Comparative Physiology, the Journal of Thermal Biology, Nature Communications and Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. Science Magazine recently featured Jimenez’s work related to the aging disparity between small and large dogs.
Thursday, June 21st
Lou Roper – SUNY New Paltz
Slavery and the British Empire
I have taught full time at New Paltz since the Fall term of 1994 I am interested primarily in the creation and development of early American societies and the expansion of early modern European trading and colonization interests, as well as the history of the Americas and the British Isles between circa 1450 and 1815 in general. Thus, I customarily teach United States History to 1865 (HIS221) and I will do so again in the Fall term of 2015 and the Spring of 2016. This Fall I will also offer History of England 2 (from 1485-1715, HIS357) and the graduate version of Colonial America (HIS522). For further information on my courses, please contact me via e-mail.
Friday, June 22nd
Russ Crawford – Ohio Northern University
Female Participation in Football Leagues
Professor of History Russ Crawford was born in Ainsworth, Nebraska in 1961. He graduated from Chadron State College with a BA in History in 1985, and again in 1991 with a BS in Social Studies Education. He taught Social Studies in South Dakota for five years, and Spanish in Iowa for three years before returning to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, where he received his MA in History in 2000, and his Ph.D. in 2005. After teaching in Lincoln for one year, he began teaching at Ohio Northern University, where he currently teaches. Professor Crawford married Sophie Crawford in 2005, and they currently live in Ada, Ohio.