Susan Thomson, Colgate University – 20th Anniversary of Genocide in Rwanda

It has been 20 years since the genocide in Rwanda. Susan Thomson, assistant professor of peace

Joanne Dickson, University of Liverpool – Depression and Goals

How does depression affect one’s personal goals? Joanne Dickson, research director on the Doctorate of Clinical

Jayanth Banavar, University of Maryland – Geometry of Life

The constraints of physical shape have helped guide life’s evolutionary path. Jayanth Banavar, dean of the

Jessica Remedios, Tufts University – The Stigma of Prejudice

Prejudice is a highly complicated and nuanced concept. Dr. Jessica Remedios, assistant professor of psychology at

John Roe, University of North Carolina Pembrooke – Declining Leatherback Turtle Population

The leatherback turtle population is getting some much needed help. Dr. John Roe, assistant professor of

Victoria Kaspi, McGill University – Moving Neutron Stars

What is left after a star explodes and dies? The answer is aΒ neutron star. Dr. Victoria

Larissa Samuelson, University of Iowa – Play With Your Food

Maybe you should let your children play with their food! It seems like a mess just

Jeffrey Froh, Hofstra University – The Benefits of Gratitude

The feeling of gratitude can positively influence all the other factors of one’s life. Dr. Jeffrey

Victor Albert, University at Buffalo – Ancient Lineage of Flower DNA

Studying the DNA of the ancient AmborellaΒ flower is opening up new insights into the evolution of

Hans Meltofte, Aarhus University – Arctic Biodiversity Threatened By Climate Change

Rising temperatures are threatening the biodiversity of the Arctic. Dr. Hans Meltofte, senior scientist at Denmark’s