Technology Archive

Elizabeth Basha, University of the Pacific – Non-Military Drones

Unmanned aerial vehicles, more commonly referred to as drones, have been in the news a great

John Christian, West Virginia – Space Rendezvous

As you can likely imagine, space rendezvous is a highly complex process. But, John Christian, aerospace

Stephen Barnard, St. Lawrence University – Social Media and Journalism

In 2015, social media is ubiquitous. Stephen Barnard, sociologist at St. Lawrence University, is studying the

Catherine Murphy, UIUC – Gold Nanotechnology

Atomic element #79 is the precious metal more commonly known as gold. Catherine Murphy, a chemist

K.J. Rawson, College of The Holy Cross – Digital Transgender Archive

The spectrum of human sexuality is shifting. K.J. Rawson, an English professor at The College of

Ronald Johnson, American Public University – Mobile Learning Innovations

The use of mobile learning platforms is increasing. Ronald Johnson, professor of business management at American

Robert Edgell, SUNY Polytechnic Institute – Architectural Technology Management

Technology management is a something of an abstract business concept. Robert Edgell, a professor of technology

Radu Sporea, University of Surrey – Photography: The Science of Aperture

The ubiquity of cell phone cameras makes everybody a photographer – or so they think! Today

Elizabeth Behrman, Wichita State University – Quantum Artificial Intelligence

We’re still trying to figure what consciousness is exactly. Elizabeth Berhman, a professor of physics and

David Cox, University of Surrey – The World’s Smallest Snowman

Do you want to build the world smallest snowman? David Cox, a fellow at the University