Psychology Archive

Leonard Jason, DePaul University – Community Psychology

Psychologists are more than therapists. Leonard Jason, professor of clinical psychology at DePaul University, examines the

Annmarie Cano, Wayne State University – Relational Flexibility

Approaching a difficult situation can be harmful if you’re not prepared. Annmarie Cano, professor in the

Joseph Reagle, Northeastern University – Life Hacking

Hacking isn’t only for computers. Joseph Reagle, associate professor of communication studies at Northeastern University, describes

Andrea Tracy, Grinnell College – Too Much of a Good Thing

On Grinnell College Week: Can you have too much of a good thing? Andrea Tracy, associate

Janet Gibson, Grinnell College – Humor and Human Behavior

On Grinnell College Week:Β  How important is a sense of humor? Janet Gibson, professor of psychology,

Diane Paige, Hartwick College – On the Power of Play

On Hartwick College Week: Play isn’t just for children. Diane Paige, professor of music, explores how

David Newman, USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences – Conservatives Report Greater Meaning In Life

On this Student Spotlight during USC Dornsife Week: Social conservatives find the most meaning in life.

Sarah Raskin, Trinity College – Prospective Memory

On Trinity College Week:Β  Where are my keys again? Sarah Raskin, professor of psychology and neuroscience,

Kristin Brethel-Haurwitz, University of Pennsylvania – Altruism and Kidney Donation

Why are some more altruistic than others? Kristin Brethel-Haurwitz, postdoctoral researcher at the University of Pennsylvania,

Seth Frey, University of California Davis – Poker

What can poker experts tell us? Seth Frey, assistant professor of communication at the University of