Health Archive

Arie Kapteyn, University of Southern California – Americans Activity Levels

Americans are not very good at determining how active they are. Arie Kapteyn, research professor of

William Barrington, University of California Los Angeles – Genetics and Dietary Recommendations

One diet does not fit all. William Barrington, postdoctoral scientist at the University of California Los

Helen Baghdoyan, University of Tennessee – Treating Opioid Addiction

What is the best way to treat opioid addiction? Helen Baghdoyan, professor in the department of

Anjali Joseph, Clemson University – How O.R. Design Can Transform Patient Care

Design matters. Anjali Joseph, professor of architecture at Clemson University, discusses how the design of the

Kristin Brethel-Haurwitz, University of Pennsylvania – Altruism and Kidney Donation

Why are some more altruistic than others? Kristin Brethel-Haurwitz, postdoctoral researcher at the University of Pennsylvania,

Chelsey Kivland, Dartmouth College – Climate Change and Health Care

Gaps in healthcare access for vulnerable populations are closing around the globe. Chelsey Kivland, assistant professor

Greg Hall, Case Western Reserve University – Tattoo Regret and Health Issues

Tattoos are common, but also pose a health risk. Greg Hall, assistant clinical professor at Case

Jessica Young, American University – Where You Live Matters for Your Health

Shared economic prosperity has not found its way into certain states and communities. Jessica Young, assistant

Margaret Sibley, Florida International University – ADHD in Adults

Can ADHD start in adulthood? Margaret Sibley, associate professor in the department of psychiatry and behavioral

Monica Lewin, New York University – Blocking the Effects of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

On this Student Spotlight: Is there help on the way for those affected by fetal alcohol