The Academic Minute for 2020.12.28-2021.01.01


The Academic Minute from 12.28 – 01.01

Monday, December 28th
Gretchen Sorin Cooperstown Graduate Program at SUNY Oneonta
Driving While Black
Gretchen Sullivan Sorin is Director and Distinguished Service Professor at the Cooperstown Graduate Program, a training program for museum curators, educators, and directors that is part of the State University of New York College at Oneonta.  She is also a Fellow of the New York Academy of historians.

Tuesday, December 29th
Kevin Cokley – University of Texas at Austin
Imposter Syndrome
Kevin Cokley’s research can be broadly categorized in the area of African American psychology, with a focus on racial and ethnic identity development, academic motivation and academic achievement. A theme of much of his research is understanding the psychological and environmental factors that impact African American student achievement.

Wednesday, December 30th
Gregg Henriques – James Madison University
A New Definition of Depression
Dr. Gregg Henriques (Full Professor) has been in the JMU C-I Clinical and School program since 2003. He became director of the program in 2005. In addition to providing administrative oversight of the program, he also engages in clinical supervision and teaches courses on social and personality psychology, integrative psychotherapy and history and systems.

Thursday, December 31st
Katie Nelson-Coffey – University of the South
Happiness Gap for Mothers
Katherine Nelson-Coffey is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Sewanee: The University of the South. She earned her bachelors of science in Psychology from the University of Mary Washington in 2008 and her Ph.D. in 2015 from the University of California, Riverside, where she studied personality and social psychology with Sonja Lyubomirsky.

Friday, January 1st
Laurie Grobman – Penn State University
Dr. Laurie Grobman is a Professor of English and Women’s Studies at Penn State Berks. Grobman’s teaching, research, and service interests’ center on community-engaged scholarship and teaching, bringing together students and community organizations to produce meaningful work while enriching students’ learning experiences.
