Monthly Archive:: September 2014

David Rosenbaum, Penn State – Precrastination

People cite procrastination as a major factor influencing productivity in a negative way. Dr. David Rosenbaum,

Isabelle Mansuy, University of Zurich – Hereditary Trauma

It’s no secret that you inherit certain genetic traits directly from your parents. But, as Isabelle

Lauri Byerley – American Public University – Energy Drink Demographics

Energy drinks are typically marketed to young adults. But, is this the primary group that is

Scott Hanson-Easey, University of Adelaide – Talk Radio Racism

Racism can be cloaked in language that avoids overt prejudices. Dr. Scott Hanson-Easey, a public health

Arnout van de Rijt featured on The Best of Our Knowledge

As always, host Bob Barrett selects an Academic Minute to air during The Best of Our

Edward LeBrun, UT Austin – Crazy Ant Invasion

The speed, ferocity, and resilience of tawny fire ants is drawing the attention of the entomology

Ole Hertel, Aarhus University – Air Pollution Modeling

If you’re reading this right now,  chances are, you’ve just taken a breath. Oxygen is one

Casey Klofstad, University of Miami – Vocal Fry in the Workplace

Something as trivial as the sound of one’s voice might prove detrimental in the workplace, especially