Education Archive

Joni Finney, UPenn – College Completion

  Not everyone takes the traditional four-year path through the university system. Joni Finney, professor at

Richard Lachmann, University at Albany – The Tonality of Textbooks

The tone of a written passage can fully influence how it is comprehended. Dr. Richard Lachmann,

Jennie Brand, UCLA – Benefits of Higher Ed

The idea and purpose of obtaining a higher education is likely similar regardless of who the

Megan Ferry, Union College – Foreign Language Learning

We’ve previously examined how the multilingual nature of today’s classroom is shaping language learning. In today’s

Lisa Huisman Koops, Case Western Reserve University – Mobile Music Making

Car rides might be the optimal time to engage children musically. Dr. Lisa Huisman Koops, associate

Amanda Kibler, University of Virginia – Modern Language Learning

The linguistic landscape of the classroom is changing. Along with her co-authors, Amanda Kibler, a professor

Dana Burde, NYU – Early Education in Afghanistan

In a recent interview, Dana Burde discussed her studies focusing on community-based schools in Afghanistan. An

Keith Robinson, UT Austin – Parental Involvement in Early Education

Eager parents looking to lend a helping hand in their children’s education might take a hard

Peter Savelyev, Vanderbilt University – Lifelong Benefits of Preschool

Preschool isn’t just finger-painting and nap-time! Peter Savelyev, an assistant professor of economics at Vanderbilt University,

Matt Lapierre, UNC Wilmington – Marketing to Kids

There’s a wide array of kid’s products and videos claiming to be educational. Matt Lapierre, assistant