Climate Science Archive

Mark Hunter, University of Michigan – Flourishing Despite Climate Change

Naturally, species react differently to climate change. Dr. Mark Hunter, a professor in the Department of

Denise Dearing, University of Utah – Pikas Adapting to Climate Change

“They may be more resistant to climate change than we thought” says Dr. Denise Dearing in

Paul Hearty, UNC Wilmington – Climate Change Patterns

What’s the best way to study climate change? Paul Hearty, associate professor in the Environmental Studies

Hans Meltofte, Aarhus University – Arctic Biodiversity Threatened By Climate Change

Rising temperatures are threatening the biodiversity of the Arctic. Dr. Hans Meltofte, senior scientist at Denmark’s

Frederic Bouchard, Université Laval – Canada’s Lakes Move Toward Widespread Dessication

A decrease in the amount of snowfall in Canada may have far reaching results. Dr. Frederic