Category: Technology
Dwight DeWerth-Pallmeyer, Widener University – Smartphones in the Classroom
Students don’t like putting away their cellphones – even in class. Dwight DeWerth-Pallmeyer, associate professor of communication studies at Widener University, details one way to get students thinking about how much they use their devices and how this could help the classroom overall. Dwight DeWerth-Pallmeyer is an Associate Professor of Communication Studies at Widener University. …
Chris Ferguson, Stetson University – Sex on TV and Teen Behavior
Does more sexual content in mass media lead to more teen sexual behavior? Chris Ferguson, associate professor of psychology at Stetson University, examines this question. Christopher Ferguson holds a Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the University of Central Florida. He has clinical experience particularly in working with offender and juvenile justice populations as well as…
Anthony Vance, Brigham Young University – Security Warnings
Not everyone pays attention to security warnings on their computer. Anthony Vance, associate professor of information systems at Brigham Young University, discusses when the best time may be for people to act on these notifications. Anthony Vance is an Associate Professor of Information Systems in the Marriott School of Management of Brigham Young University. He…
Jean Twenge, San Diego State University – Are Millennials More Sexually Active?
Are millennials more sexually active than previous generations? Jean Twenge, professor of psychology at San Diego State University, explores if social media and other factors have led to a rise in sexual exploration among youth. Jean M. Twenge, Professor of psychology at San Diego State University, is the author of more than 100 scientific publications and…
Robert Edgell, SUNY Polytechnic Institute – Health & A.I.
Artificial intelligence could help you make healthier food choices. Robert Edgell, professor of technology management at SUNY Polytechnic Institute, details how AI can help keep you on the right dietary track. Dr. Robert Edgell is an Assistant Professor of Technology Management at SUNY Polytechnic Institute and a Visiting Professor at the Swiss Business School in…
Mary Caton-Rosser, Black Hills State University – Use of Online Technologies in Higher Education
The flow of communication in classrooms is faster than ever before. Mary Caton-Rosser, Associate Professor of Mass Communication at Black Hills State University, explores what this means for students and professors as they adapt to a changing world. Mary Caton-Rosser (PhD, University of Colorado) is Associate Professor of Mass Communication at Black Hills State University…
Robert Edgell, SUNY Polytechnic Institute – Seeing 3D
Go with the flow. Robert Edgell, professor of technology management at SUNY Polytechnic Institute, explains that getting users in a flow-state may be the best way to get them to hand over their dollars for a wearable 3D gaming device. Dr. Robert Edgell is an Assistant Professor of Technology Management at SUNY Polytechnic Institute and…
Don MacKenzie, University of Washington – Driverless Cars
Self-driving cars could have some positive and negative environmental factors. Don MacKenzie, assistant professor of transportation engineering at the University of Washington, explores how making transportation easier could lead to even more people getting on the road. Don MacKenzie joined the department as an Assistant Professor in 2013. His research focuses on the interactions of…