Category: History
Jon Mikolashek, APU – False Historical Narratives
Is the history we’re presented actually accurate? Jon Mikolashek, associate professor for the department of history and military studies at American Public University, critiques false historical narratives. Jon Mikolashek is currently an Associate Professor of History at the United States Army Command and General Staff College and American Military University. Previously, he worked as a historian…
Kristen Ghodsee, Bowdoin College – The Left Side of History
The term “communist” certainly has an associated stigma, especially in the United States. Kristen Ghodsee, a professor at Bowdoin College, presents a historical account meant to counteract that negative association. Kristen R. Ghodsee is a professor of gender and women’s studies at Bowdoin College. She is the author of five books, including: The Red Riviera:…
Martin Krieger, USC – Urban Tomography
Photographs can surely capture a visual depiction of a city, but is that enough? Martin Krieger, a professor of planning at The University of Southern California, discusses his urban tomography project. Martin H. Krieger is professor of planning at the Sol Price School of Public Policy at the University of Southern California. He is trained…
Greg Bell, Winthrop University – Day to Day Life of Medieval Crusaders
Depictions of The Crusades usually entail throngs of pillaging troops sacking cities and running amok. Greg Bell, a medieval history expert at Winthrop University, offers an interesting profile of The Crusades, focusing on the time off the battlefield. A medievalist at heart, Dr. Greg Bell is fascinated with cultural interaction around the Mediterranean from Antiquity…
Glenn Geher, SUNY New Paltz – Neanderthal DNA
Are you a Neanderthal? According to Glenn Geher, psychologist at New Paltz, you might very well share some DNA with these ancestors of ours. Glenn Geher is professor and chair of Psychology as well as director of Evolutionary Studies at SUNY New Paltz. He has taught several courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels—including Statistics,…
Martin Krieger, USC – Uncertainty Principles
Knowing what you don’t know is vital if you want to change that. Martin Krieger, a professor of planning at The University of Southern California, profiles uncertainty. Martin H. Krieger is professor of planning at the Sol Price School of Public Policy at the University of Southern California. He is trained as a physicist, and…
Davide Zori, Baylor University – Viking Social Standing
When one thinks of Vikings, lavish dinner parties are probably not the first thing that come to mind. But, Davide Zori, a professor at Baylor University, will tell us: vikings were really into parties. Davide Zori is assistant professor in the Baylor Interdisciplinary Core at Baylor University. His research concentrates on the Viking expansion into…
Richard Veit, Monmouth University – Joseph Bonaparte’s Point Breeze Estate
Joseph Bonaparte is probably most notably known as Napoleon’s older brother, but his cultural significance goes much further than his famous family. Richard Veit, an anthropologist at Monmouth University, offers an historical profile of Point Breeze, the lavish garden he brought to life on his New Jersey estate. Richard Veit is Professor of Anthropology and…
Jean Wahl Harris, University of Scranton – Duties of the First Lady
What exactly does the job description of First Lady of the United States consist of? We’re not sure and throughout history, it seems like the position has taken on a variety of unspoken duties. Jean Harris, a political scientist at the University of Scranton, takes a deep look at what is expected of First Ladies.…
Richard Lachmann, University at Albany – The Tonality of Textbooks
The tone of a written passage can fully influence how it is comprehended. Dr. Richard Lachmann, a political sociologist at The University at Albany (SUNY), is studying the shifting tonality of textbooks especially in their treatment of war. Richard Lachmann (Ph.D. Harvard 1983) is professor of sociology at the University at Albany, State University of…