Brian Hesse, Northwest Missouri State – Chibuku and Growing Rates of African Beer Consumption

The consumption of alcohol on the continent of Africa ranks amongst the lowest globally, but as

Behind the Scenes: Recording The Academic Minute

We welcomed Dr. Allison Redlich of the University at Albany School of Criminal Justice into WAMC’s

Kari Cooper, UC Davis – Reservoirs of Magma

The typical Hollywood depiction of a volcano might be visually stunning, but it’s not very accurate.

Pamela Keel, FSU – Facebook and Eating Disorders

A lot is being written about the psychological effects of social media. Dr. Pamela Keel, a

Mark Hunter, University of Michigan – Flourishing Despite Climate Change

Naturally, species react differently to climate change. Dr. Mark Hunter, a professor in the Department of

Alyssa Crittenden, UNLV – Microbiota of the Hadza Tribe

The old saying goes: you are what you eat. This appears to carry through into the

Se Hyun Ahn – University of Seoul – North Korea’s Energy Crisis

Energy consumption, creation, transport and usage are all serious topics that countries invariably deal with at

Michelle Hersh, Sarah Lawrence College – Lyme Disease and an Unlikely Relationship

“We couldn’t detect an effect, which is really surprising,” said Michelle Hersh in a recent article

David Kaplan featured on The Best of Our Knowledge

As always, host Bob Barrett selects an Academic Minute to air during The Best of Our

Dan Jurafsky, Stanford University – The Language of Reviews

Reading online reviews of a restaurant before heading out for a meal is commonplace in today’s