Category: Health
Andrew Ellington, University of Texas at Austin – Fighting Cancer with Nanomachines
To beat cancer, we may want to start thinking small. Andrew Ellington, professor in the department of molecular biosciences at the University of Texas at Austin, explains how microscopic machines may be the key to defeating this disease. Andy Ellington uses evolutionary techniques — in particular, a method known as “directed evolution” — to engineer…
Matthew Carrigan, Santa Fe College – Human Ethanol Consumption
If ethanol consumption is known to be toxic, why have humans consumed it throughout history? Matthew Carrigan, assistant professor of biology at Santa Fe College, discusses this paradox. Matthew Carrigan is an Assistant Professor of Biology. He began his PhD in neuroscience at University of Florida’s College of Medicine studying the evolution of neuropeptides, and…
Scott Glassman, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine – Shared Medical Appointments
You could be sharing your doctor during your next visit. Scott Glassman, clinical assistant professor in the department of psychology at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, details how shared medical appointments are having positive effects for patients. Scott Glassman, PsyD, is a clinical assistant professor of psychology and is associate director of the MS…
Craig Garfield, Northwestern University – Adolescent Males and Future Fatherhood
Can risky behaviors as a teen predict what kind of father a boy would be? Craig Garfield, Associate Professor, Departments of Pediatrics and Medical Social Sciences, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, and Attending Physician, Ann and Robert Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, Division of Hospital Based Medicine at Northwestern University, discusses how focusing on boys too may…
Adam Brown, Sarah Lawrence College – PTSD Treatments
Having PTSD may hinder your ability to imagine a positive future for yourself. Adam Brown, clinical psychologist and member of the psychology faculty at Sarah Lawrence College, delves into treatment options to help reverse this cognitive disorder. Adam Brown is a clinical psychologist and member of the psychology faculty at Sarah Lawrence College where he…
Jack Gilbert, University of Chicago – Diversifying Your Microbiome
Every day you’re becoming more and more like the people who are around you. Jack Gilbert, professor in the department of surgery at the University of Chicago, details how the sharing of bacteria from person to person could make us healthier in the long run. Professor Jack A Gilbert earned his Ph.D. from Unilever and…
Ilene Warner-Maron, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine – Baby Boomers & STDs
HIV cases in people over 50 are on the rise. Ilene Warner-Maron, clinical assistant professor in the department of psychology at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, explains why older adults may not appreciate the risks as much as the younger generation. Ilene Warner-Maron, PhD, is a clinical associate professor of psychology and co-director of…
Derek Gatherer, Lancaster University – History of Influenza
Did you get your flu shot this year? Derek Gatherer, lecturer in the Division of Biomedical and Life Sciences at Lancaster University, explores the history of influenza and what it may teach us about preventing this disease in the future. Dr Gatherer works in bioinformatics, which he defines very generally as anything that can be…
Sara Goldrick-Rab, University of Wisconsin – Hungry for Knowledge
Food insecurity is becoming a big issue on college campuses. Sara Goldrick-Rab, Professor of Educational Policy Studies and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, delves into her research on this topic. Sara Goldrick-Rab is Professor of Educational Policy Studies and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is also Senior Scholar at the Wisconsin Center…
Prashant Kumta, University of Pittsburgh – Biodegradable Parts for Fixing Complex Fractures
Accidents on the slopes and streets lead to broken bones each winter. Prashant Kumta, professor of engineering at the University of Pittsburgh, details a new material that could help the body heal without the use of steel screws or plates. Professor Kumta obtained his Bachelor of Technology (with Honors) in Metallurgical Engineering from the Indian…