Category: Sociology
Patricia Drentea, University of Alabama-Birmingham – The Aging Family
Humans are living much longer lives and as this trend only continues, it presents interesting shifts in the family structure. Patricia Drentea, a sociologist at The University of Alabama-Birmingham, discusses the changing face of the modern family. Patricia Drentea is an Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Alabama-Birmingham. She is currently writing a…
Maurice Gattis, University of Wisconsin-Madison – Marriage Equality & Religious Denomination
Is your church in favor of same-sex marriage? Maurice Gattis, an assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is studying the effects of pro-LGBT stances held by religious institutions. Maurice Gattis has engaged in research activities regarding health disparities, GLBT populations, homelessness, and adolescent risk behaviors in the United States and Canada. His primary work…
Rhett Brymer, Miami University – Referee Bias in NCAA Football
Are the referees playing by the rules? Rhett Brymer, a professor at the Farmer School of Business at Miami University, is analyzing officiating in the NCAA and looking for instances of bias. Dr. Rhett Brymer is the John Mee Endowed Assistant Professor of management at The Farmer School of Business at Miami University. He sits on…
Jessica Gall Myrick, Indiana University – Celebrity Influence
The suicide of Robin Williams is just the latest example of a celebrity’s actions raising the discussion to national attention. Jessica Gall Myrick, a communications professor at Indiana University, explores the nature of celebrity influence over the population especially in terms of medical conditions. Jessica Gall Myrick received her Ph.D. in Mass Communication and a…
David Zweig, University of Toronto Scarborough – Knowledge Hiding
The hiding of information and knowledge can prove disastrous. David Zweig, an associate professor of organizational behavior at The University of Toronto Scarborough, is studying the effects of knowledge hiding. David Zweig is an Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior and the Chair of the Department of Management at the University of Toronto Scarborough. In addition,…
David Cotter, Union College – Gender Inequality Trends
Are we getting closer towards achieving gender equality or have the trends begun to reverse? Dr. David Cotter, chair of Union College’s sociology department, dissects shifting attitudes toward gender bias. Dr. David A. Cotter is Professor of Sociology at Union College. His research focuses on stratification and inequality, particularly rural poverty, and work-related gender inequality.…
Jacob Hirsh, University of Toronto – Predicting Sustainability
Certain personality traits appear to have direct correlations with somewhat unrelated attitudes. Dr. Jacob Hirsh, a professor at the Rotman School of Management, is looking at these connections and analyzing them to make larger predictions about specific trends on a national level. Dr. Jacob Hirsh is an Assistant Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource…
Richard Lachmann, University at Albany – The Tonality of Textbooks
The tone of a written passage can fully influence how it is comprehended. Dr. Richard Lachmann, a political sociologist at The University at Albany (SUNY), is studying the shifting tonality of textbooks especially in their treatment of war. Richard Lachmann (Ph.D. Harvard 1983) is professor of sociology at the University at Albany, State University of…
Leah Levac, University of Guelph – Community Vitality Index
How can we best improve communities as a whole? Dr. Leah Levac, a political scientist at The University of Guelph, is attempting to answer that questions through the creation of a vitality index that measures well-being. Dr. Leah Levac is an Assistant Professor of Community Engaged Scholarship, based in the Department of Political Science at…