Category: Linguistics
Emily Bernate, St. Edwards University – Politeness in U.S. Spanish
Emily Bernate, assistant professor of Spanish at St. Edward’s University, looks at softening our requests to sounds more polite. Emily Bernate is an assistant professor of Spanish at St. Edwards University. Her research interests include sociolinguistics and pragmatics, particularly gender differences in language and politeness norms. She has taught second-language and heritage languages courses in Spanish…
Lewis Davis, Union College – Gendered Language
Can gendered language make a difference in hiring decisions? Lewis Davis, professor of economics at Union College, delves into this question. Prof. Davis has been a faculty member at Union College since 2006 and teaches courses on political economy, economic growth, and the economics of culture, and the economics of sin. He has over twenty…
Naja Ferjan Ramirez, University of Washington – Building Bilingual Brains
Learning a second language can be important for the future. Naja Ferjan Ramirez, research scientist at the Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences at the University of Washington, examines how learning from a very young age can have many advantages. Naja Ferjan Ramirez, Ph. D., is a Research Scientist at the Institute for Learning &…
Ana Ines Ansaldo, University of Montreal – Benefits of Bilingualism
The benefits of bilingualism are more than once thought. Ana Inés Ansaldo, associate professor in the school of speech-language pathology and audiology at the University of Montreal, explores these benefits and how they can help us improve ourselves. Dre Ansaldo completed her Ph.D in Biomedical Sciences at the Université de Montréal, and a Post-doctoral training,…
Robin Queen, University of Michigan – Typos & Personality
Why are some people the grammar police and others not? Robin Queen, Professor of Linguistics at the University of Michigan, delves into whether personality type may determine if you care about whether someone typed the right there or their. Robin Queen is Arthur F. Thurnau Professor and Professor of Linguistics, English Language and Literatures and…
Kathrin Rothermich, McGill University – Social Communication
There are two levels to any conversation, what is said aloud – and what is not. Kathrin Rothermich, PhD in Cognitive Science; Postdoctoral Fellow at McGill University, examines her research into whether or not you’re hearing the whole story. I studied Linguistics and Educational Science at the University of Leipzig (Germany) and obtained my PhD in…
Lynn Perry, University of Miami – Onomatopoeia
Do more sounds like they mean or are they arbitrary? Lynn Perry, assistant professor in the department of psychology at the University of Miami College of Arts & Sciences, delves into this debate with her current research. Research Interests: A question motivating much of my research is What do words do? In particular, I’m interested in the extent…
Jennifer Itzkowitz, Seton Hall – Alphabetical Stock Benefits
What’s in a name? Jennifer Itzkowitz, Seton Hall assistant professor of finance, examines the benefits of appearing at the beginning of the alphabet – especially on the stock market. Jennifer Itzkowitz joined the Seton Hall faculty in 2009 after earning a Ph.D. in Finance from the University of Florida. Her research examines contemporary problems in…
Adam Gaffey, Black Hills State University – Campaign Rhetoric
Is anybody listening to those campaign speeches? Adam Gaffey is. A linguist and philosopher at South Dakota’s Black Hills State University, Dr. Gaffey is analyzing the language used in campaign speeches. Adam J. Gaffey is an Assistant Professor of Rhetoric and Philosophy at Black Hills State University in Spearfish, South Dakota. He holds a Ph.D.…
Gary Wilcox, UT Austin – Alcohol Advertising
The way alcohol ads are regulated is quite interesting. Gary Wilcox, UT Austin professor of advertising and public relations, provides a closer look at this specific type of marketing. Dr. Gary B. Wilcox, John A. Beck Centennial Professor in Communication, holds a Ph.D. from Michigan State University and two degrees from UT Austin. His current…