Category: Biology
Tim Mousseau, University of South Carolina – Radioactive Environments
Nuclear disasters, naturally, affect the life in the surrounding areas. Tim Mousseau, a biologist at the University of South Carolina, is studying both Chernobyl and Fukushima to see how far the radioactive damage may go. Timothy Mousseau is a Professor of Biological Sciences at the University of South Carolina (USC). Former positions include Associate Vice…
Kimberly Hughes, FSU – Outstanding Guppies
Sometimes it pays to be different, especially if you’re a guppy looking to mate. Kimberly Hughes, a biologist at Florida State University, analyzes the reproductive advantage colorful guppies have over their blander peers. Dr. Kimberly Hughes is a professor of biological sciences at Florida State University where she also runs The Hughes Laboratory. At the…
Yoel Stuart, UT Austin – Fast Lizard Evolution
Do outside factors influence evolution? Dr. Yoel Stuart, a biologist at UT Austin, is studying a species of lizard that is very quick to adapt. Yoel Stuart is a post-doctoral researcher in the Department of Integrative Biology at The University of Texas at Austin. He received his Ph.D. from Harvard University. Stuartβs research explores ecology…
Anthony Bogaert, Brock University – Asexuality Studies
The more we learn about human sexuality, the more complicated it seems. Anthony Bogaert, a psychologist at Brock University, chronicles an often-overlooked section of human sexuality: asexuality. Dr. Anthony Bogaert is Professor of Health Sciences and Psychology. He has taught human sexuality courses at the university level for over 20 years. He has published extensively…
Angela Crean, University of South Wales – Telegony
Can your past sexual partners influence the genetics of your children? Dr. Angela Crean, an evolutionary ecologist at The University of New South Wales, profiles telegony. Dr Angela Crean is an evolutionary ecologist who is interested in phenotypic links between the parental environment, gamete quality, and offspring traits. She is currently an Australian Research Council…
Richard Peltier, UMass Amherst – Indigenous Air Pollution
The term air pollution might evoke images of an industrialized city with many factories each with billowing smokestacks or a crowded freeway of cars pumping emissions into the atmosphere. But, as Richard Peltier, assistant professor of environmental health sciences at UMass Amherst, will show us, everyone should be aware of air they breathe. Dr. Richard…
Susan Arruda, Franklin Pierce University – Eyes & Flies
Some of the tiniest eyes in the world might hold insight into restoring human vision. Susan Arruda explains how taking a closer look at some of the tiniest eyes in the world can help us better understand how to restore failing eyesight in humans. Arruda, Associate Professor of Biology at Franklin Pierce University in Rindge,…
Tim Volk, SUNY ESF – Renewable Biomass
We’re facing a worldwide energy crisis, but biomass might be a revolutionary renewable resource we’re looking for. Tim Volk, a scientist at SUNY-ESF, profiles biomass and the potential benefits that this resource might hold. Dr. Tim Volk is a senior research associate at The State University of New York’s College of Environmental Science and Forestry.…
Stephen Stearns, Yale University – Continuing Human Evolution
Have we reached a pinnacle in our evolutionary development as a species? Dr. Stephen Stearns, a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at Yale University, is studying the factors that influence contemporary evolution. Prof. Stephen Stearns specializes in life history evolution, which links the fields of ecology and evolutionary biology, and in evolutionary medicine. He…
Steven Soifer, University of Memphis – Paruresis
Certain afflictions are embarrassing to discuss. Because of this, they remain untreated and can often worsen. Dr. Steven Soifer, professor of social work & chair of the department at The University of Memphis, profiles shy-bladder syndrome. Dr. Steven Soifer received his Ph.D. in Social Welfare Policy from Brandeis University in 1988, and his M.S.W. from…