Month: July 2014
Peter Jaskiewicz, Concordia University – Family Businesses
Tightly held companies and corporations are often controlled by a small group of family members. As such, when it is time for a change in leadership (due to a retirement, for example), many times the role is filled via an internal promotion. Peter Jaskiewicz, an associate professor at Concordia University’s John Molson School of Business,…
Jason Moser, MSU – The Psychology of Optimism
Some people are inherently pessimistic. Others tend to focus on the positive and maintain a sunny optimism. Jason Moser, a Michigan State University psychologist, is digging into the science of this aspect of human nature. Jason Moser is an assistant professor of psychology at Michigan State University where he runs the Clinical Psychophysiology Lab. He…
Liz Cirulli, Duke Medicine – Contagious Yawns
Yawns are something of a physiological mystery. Elizabeth Cirulli, an assistant professor of medicine at Duke University, is attempting to unravel the confusion surrounding yawns. Liz Cirulli is an assistant professor at Duke University’s Center for Human Genome Variation. She earned her doctorate in 2010, graduating from Duke University’s Program in Genetics and Genomics. Liz…
Sam Maglio, University of Toronto Scarborough – The Effect of Names
Names, specifically how names sound, have great influence over their perception. Sam Maglio, assistant professor of marketing at the University of Toronto Scarborough, is studying this concept to better understand how/why we perceive things as we do. Sam Maglio is an Assistant Professor of Marketing in the Department of Management at the University of Toronto…
Welcome to WRUC and WGSU
The Academic Minute is pleased to welcome two new stations into the family: WGSU 89.3 – The Voice of the Valley WGSU broadcasts from Geneseo, New York from the campus of the State University of New York at Geneseo. WRUC 89.7 – The First Station in the Nation WRUC is headquartered in Schenectady, New York…
Keith Robinson, UT Austin – Parental Involvement in Early Education
Eager parents looking to lend a helping hand in their children’s education might take a hard look at their methodologies. Keith Robinson, an assistant professor of sociology at The University of Texas at Austin, set out to examine the educational benefits that occur when parents directly assist their children in the learning process. Keith Robinson…
Paul Selden, University of Kansas – Studying Spider Fossils
Many people are scared of spiders. But, Paul Selden, professor of invertebrate paleontology at the University of Kansas, has a different opinion of our multi-legged arachnid friends. Through a survey of spider fossils, Dr. Selden is helping piece together ancient ecosystems to better understand the world at present. Paul Selden is a Distinguished Professor in…