Category: Sociology
Sara Goldrick-Rab, University of Wisconsin – Hungry for Knowledge
Food insecurity is becoming a big issue on college campuses. Sara Goldrick-Rab, Professor of Educational Policy Studies and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, delves into her research on this topic. Sara Goldrick-Rab is Professor of Educational Policy Studies and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is also Senior Scholar at the Wisconsin Center…
Kathrin Rothermich, McGill University – Social Communication
There are two levels to any conversation, what is said aloud – and what is not. Kathrin Rothermich, PhD in Cognitive Science; Postdoctoral Fellow at McGill University, examines her research into whether or not you’re hearing the whole story. I studied Linguistics and Educational Science at the University of Leipzig (Germany) and obtained my PhD in…
Melissa Wooten, University of Massachusetts Amherst – Are Black Colleges Necessary
Black colleges are doing great things for their students, so why does a negative view persist? Melissa Wooten, associate professor of sociology at UMass Amherst, explores this question. Melissa E. Wooten is an Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. She studies how the structure of race and racism influences organizational development.…
Amy Nuttall, Michigan State – Children as Caregivers
Should we let kids just be kids? Amy Nuttall, assistant professor of human development and family studies at Michigan State University, explores the burden some children face while helping with the caregiving responsibilities in the household. Guided by a developmental psychopathology perspective, Nuttall’s program of research broadly focuses on processes of resilience and risk in…
Jean M. Twenge, San Diego State University – Working Mothers
Are attitudes on working mothers changing? Jean M. Twenge, San Diego State psychologist, is delving into this question. Jean M. Twenge, Professor of psychology at San Diego State University, is the author of more than 100 scientific publications and the books Generation Me: Why Today’s Young Americans Are More Confident, Assertive, Entitled — and More Miserable…
Christopher Salas-Wright, University of Texas at Austin – Immigrants and Crime
Are immigrants wrongly portrayed as being criminals in the public sphere? Christopher Salas-Wright, assistant professor in the School of Social Work at The University of Texas at Austin, explains his research into this newsworthy topic. Dr. Christopher Salas-Wright is Assistant Professor in the School of Social Work at The University of Texas at Austin. He…