Social Work Archive

Laura Bronstein, Binghamton University – Community Schools and Reducing Summer Learning Loss

Summer programs can be key for certain students to continue their learning. Laura Bronstein, professor of

Bruce Campbell, Arcadia University – Music, Social Justice and Leadership

On Arcadia University Week: Want to become a better leader? Put social justice in your headphones.

Stacey Havlik, Villanova University – Homeless Students

Homeless students may be hiding in plain sight. Stacey Havlik, assistant professor in the department of

Erin Davis, Cornell College – LGBTQ Homeless

The homeless face additional challenges when they are LGBTQ. Erin Davis, professor of sociology at Cornell

Erin Godfrey, New York University – Civic Engagement Among Youth

Income equality is an important issue in our country. Erin Godfrey, Assistant Professor of Applied Psychology

Fred Butcher, Case Western Reserve University – Trauma in Youth

Exposure to trauma early on may lead to bad decisions in your youth. Fred Butcher, research

Angela Bahns, Wellesley College – Similarities in Relationships

Can you change your partner over time or should you find someone you click with right

Edward Alessi, Rutgers University – LGBT Migrants

Life for migrants is not easy, and it can be even harder on the LGBT community.