Tag: NYU
This Week On The Academic Minute (2017.6.19)
This Week on The Academic Minute 2017.6.19 Monday, June 19th Matthew Pase of Boston University determines if drinking diet soda can accelerate brain aging. Tuesday, June 20th Joseph Bennett of Carleton University discusses if de-extinction is worth the cost. Wednesday, June 21st Colin Camerer of the California Institute of Technology delves into whether an increase in testosterone…
The Academic Minute for 2017.2.27-3.3
Academic Minute from 2.27 – 3.3 Monday, February 27th Isabel Gauthier – Vanderbilt University Sex Differences in Facial Recognition Gauthier studies visual object recognition, with particular emphasis on the plasticity of recognition mechanisms and their neural substrate. One issue that is of particular interest to her is how the visual system organizes itself into what…
This Week On The Academic Minute (2017.2.27)
This Week on The Academic Minute 2017.2.27 Monday, February 27th Isabel Gauthier of Vanderbilt University determines if there are sex differences in facial recognition. Tuesday, February 28th David Yamane of Wake Forest University looks into religion and guns. Wednesday, March 1st Erin Godfrey of New York University delves into civic engagement among youth. Thursday, March…
Sandee McClowry featured on The Best of Our Knowledge
As always, host Bob Barrett selects an Academic Minute to air during The Best of Our Knowledge. Each week this program examines some of the issues unique to college campuses, looks at the latest research, and invites commentary from experts and administrators from all levels of education. For this week‘s edition (#1288), Bob has selected…
Sandee McClowry, NYU – Insights in Early Education
Shy, grumpy, social, hard-working — it’s not about changing children’s personalities. This is especially important in the classroom, as children who are shy or disruptive in school may be at risk for poor academic achievement. Sandee McClowry, professor of counseling psychology at New York University. shows how adapting to students’ needs and playing on their strengths…
This Week on The Academic Minute (2015.4.20)
Monday, April 20 Sandee McClowry of New York University profiles her work customizing early education. Tuesday, April 21 Elizabeth Thomas of The Scripps Research Institute explores the genetic factors of Huntington’s Disease. Wednesday, April 22 West Virginia University’s John Christian discusses the highly complex concept of space rendezvous. Thursday, April 23 Michelle Miller of Northern…
Charlton McIlwain, NYU – Journalistic Perspectives on Michael Brown
Without doubt, Michael Brown’s death and the related events occurring in and around Ferguson, Missouri have catalyzed national debate about race relations. But, as Charlton McIlwain, associate professor of media, culture and communication at New York University, will show us: news coverage specifically about Michael Brown did not always focus completely on ethnicity. Charlton McIlwain,…
2015.01.05 – This week on The Academic Minute
Monday, January 5 Kimberly Fenn of Michigan State University shows how social media might be corroding the accuracy of memory. Tuesday, January 6 Jacob Hirsh of The University of Toronto explores the predicative nature of personality traits. Wednesday, January 7 New York University media professor Charlton McIlwain analyzes the journalistic slant present in news coverage…
Jin Montclare, NYU – Gene Therapy
Top scientists are working to keep us healthy on a molecular level! Dr. Jin Montclare, associate professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, is fabricating microfibers from proteins. Dr. Jin Kim Montclare received her undergraduate BS degree in Chemistry and Philosophy from Fordham University, Bronx NY. She then went to Yale University, New Haven, CT as…
Dana Burde, NYU – Early Education in Afghanistan
In a recent interview, Dana Burde discussed her studies focusing on community-based schools in Afghanistan. An assistant professor of international education at New York University, Dr. Dana Burde is working to help improve the way Afghan children are educated. Dana Burde is an assistant professor of international education at New York University’s Steinhardt School of…