Tag: facebook
Stephen Cheskiewicz, Mount Saint Mary College – Social Network Policing
Should Facebook and Twitter do more to police their networks? Stephen Cheskiewicz, assistant professor of information technology at Mount Saint Mary College, examines this question in light of recent terror attacks. Stephen Cheskiewicz, EdD is an Assistant Professor of Information Technology at Mount Saint Mary College. Dr. Cheskiewicz has worked in the field of…
Felicity Duncan, Cabrini College – Dislike Button
Are you ready for a dislike button on Facebook? Felicity Duncan, assistant professor of communications at Cabrini College, explores how Facebook’s user base getting older have influenced the company’s policy on adding a dislike button. Felicity Duncan, Ph.D., joined the Cabrini communication faculty in 2015, and is teaching courses for the new digital communication and…
Stephen Barnard, St. Lawrence University – Social Media and Journalism
In 2015, social media is ubiquitous. Stephen Barnard, sociologist at St. Lawrence University, is studying the way journalists use social media. Stephen Barnard is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at St. Lawrence University. Dr. Barnard earned his Ph.D. in Sociology at the University of Missouri in 2012, where he also earned an…
Kimberly Fenn featured on The Best of Our Knowledge
As always, host Bob Barrett selects an Academic Minute to air during The Best of Our Knowledge. Each week this program examines some of the issues unique to college campuses, looks at the latest research, and invites commentary from experts and administrators from all levels of education. For this week‘s edition (#1279), Bob has selected…
Gary Small, UCLA – Teens and Screens
Smart phones are everywhere these days. It seems anywhere you turn, you’ll find someone with their head metaphorically buried in their mobile device. They may be checking their social media profiles, googling something or even looking up directions – but one thing is for sure: they’re not interacting with the people surrounding them. Gary Small,…
Brian Southwell, UNC at Chapel Hill – Social Media Disparity
The manner by which information travels on social media tends to corrode it’s accuracy. Dr. Brian Southwell, research professor of mass communication and health behavior at the University of North Carolina, discusses the disparity of shared information on the internet. Dr. Brian Southwell is Director of the Science in the Public Sphere Program in the…
Pamela Keel, FSU – Facebook and Eating Disorders
A lot is being written about the psychological effects of social media. Dr. Pamela Keel, a Florida State University psychologist, focuses her research on the association between Facebook and a higher propensity for developing an eating disorder. Pamela K. Keel, Ph.D., is Professor of Psychology and Director of the Eating Behaviors Research Clinic at Florida…
1,000 “Likes” on Facebook!
We’ve reached the 1,000 “likes” plateau on Facebook! If you’re one of those 1,000, thank you very much for your support. If not, please click the image, head over to our page and be a part of the next 1,000. Thank you so much!