Category: Business
Kevin Caskey, SUNY New Paltz – Manufacturing and Skiing
How do smaller firms compete with the big boys? Kevin Caskey, professor of Operations Management at SUNY New Paltz, explores avenues that smaller downhill ski manufacturers use to get their products on the slopes. Dr. Kevin R. Caskey is Professor at SUNY New Paltz teaching Operations Management, Statistics, and Project Management, and a ski patroller…
Indranil Goswami, University at Buffalo – How to Boost Charitable Giving
How much did you give in your last charitable donation? Indranil Goswami, assistant professor of marketing in the University at Buffalo School of Management, explains why upping the default option could lead to higher donations for charities and non-profits. Indranil Goswami, assistant professor of marketing in the University at Buffalo School of Management, teaches marketing…
Mazhar Arikan, University of Kansas – Baggage Fees
Everyone hates bag fees at the airport. Mazhar Arikan, assistant professor in the school of business at the University of Kansas, discusses whether bag fees may have some benefits as well. Research Interests Supply chain management Stochastic Modeling of Service Systems Empirical Research in Operations Management Applied Econometrics Airline Operations/Scheduling/Economics Analytical and Empirical Study of…
Robert Edgell, SUNY Polytechnic Institute – Media and Governance
Do news media corporations actually function with eyes wide open? Robert Edgell, professor of technology management at SUNY Polytechnic Institute, examines this question. Dr. Robert Edgell is an Assistant Professor of Technology Management at SUNY Polytechnic Institute and a Visiting Professor at the Swiss Business School in Zurich. Previously, he was a professor at American…
Robert Edgell, SUNY Polytechnic Institute – Innovation and Language
How do you give businesses a better chance to be innovative? Robert Edgell, professor of technology management at SUNY Polytechnic Institute, explores the hidden intentions behind human communications and how they can hinder innovation. Dr. Robert Edgell is an Assistant Professor of Technology Management at SUNY Polytechnic Institute and a Visiting Professor at the Swiss…
Heather Reid, Morningside College – Commercialism of the Olympics
Is commercialism affecting the spirit of the Olympics Games? Heather Reid, professor and scholar of the philosophy of sport at Morningside College, discusses this issue. Heather Reid is a scholar of the philosophy of sport at Morningside College in Iowa and is the author of six books related to sports philosophy and the Olympics.…
Robert Edgell, SUNY Polytechnic Institute – Seeing 3D
Go with the flow. Robert Edgell, professor of technology management at SUNY Polytechnic Institute, explains that getting users in a flow-state may be the best way to get them to hand over their dollars for a wearable 3D gaming device. Dr. Robert Edgell is an Assistant Professor of Technology Management at SUNY Polytechnic Institute and…
Andrew Ching, University of Toronto – Publicity and Paid Advertisements
Does publicity add to or subtract from paid promotional materials? Andrew Ching, associate professor of marketing at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management, examines whether something needs to be said twice if someone else has already said it for you. Andrew Ching is Associate Professor of Marketing at Rotman. He is a winner…