Philosophy Archive

Sandra Woien, Arizona State University – Stoicism and Spirituality

Ancient philosophies can still ring true today. Sandra Woien, associate teaching professor in the school of

Alexander Englert, Institute For Advanced Study – Why Gödel Believed in an Afterlife

Whether there’s an afterlife is one of the “big questions” for humanity. Alexander Englert, research associate

Michael Nance, University of Maryland Baltimore County – Erhard on the Right to Revolution

On University of Maryland Baltimore County Week: Revolutions carry many inherent risks. Michael Nance, associate professor

Moti Mizrahi, Florida Institute of Technology – “Scientism” as an Anti-Science of Doubt and Disbelief

The terms people use to stoke disbelief and doubt in science can be costly. Moti Mizrahi,

Nicole Hassoun, Binghamton University – Sharing Vaccine Intellectual Property

Sharing is caring. Nicole Hassoun, professor of philosophy at Binghamton University, examines global health through the lens

Robert Kunzman, Indiana University – Learning from Failure

Failure is inevitable. Robert Kunzman, professor of curriculum studies and philosophy of education at Indiana University,

David Bakhurst, Queen’s University – Why Education Matters to Philosophy

The field of philosophy is changing. David Bakhurst, Charlton professor of philosophy at Queen’s University, Ontario,

Nir Eisikovits, UMass Boston – A.I. and Everyday Life

A.I. is now a part of our daily lives. Nir Eisikovits, professor of philosophy and founding

Alex Moran, University of Oxford – In Praise of Mischief

Mischief isn’t always a bad thing, Alex Moran, Leverhulme Early Career Fellow in Philosophy at the

Rebecca Rozelle-Stone, University of North Dakota – Attending to Crisis Fatigue

How much bad news can your brain handle at a time? Rebecca Rozelle-Stone, professor of philosophy