Month: August 2021
Larry Pileggi, Carnegie Mellon University – Keeping the Power Grid Safe from Mother Nature and Human Nature
On Carnegie Mellon University Week: A failure in the power grid could have serious consequences. Larry Pileggi, professor of electrical and computer engineering, has this warning about attacks from Mother Nature and cyberspace. Larry Pileggi is the Tanoto professor and Head of electrical and computer engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. He has received numerous awards…
Destenie Nock, Carnegie Mellon University – Energy Poverty
On Carnegie Mellon University Week: As temperatures rise, energy poverty could soar with them. Destenie Nock, assistant professor in civil and environmental engineering, looks into the energy equity gap. Dr. Destenie Nock is a leader in energy justice and equitable energy transitions. In her role as an Assistant Professor in Civil & Environmental Engineering (CEE), and…
Daniel Armanios, Carnegie Mellon University – The Social Legacies of Our Infrastructure Systems
On Carnegie Mellon University Week: Infrastructure can keep people locked in the past. Daniel Armanios, assistant professor in the department of engineering and public policy, explores how. Daniel Armanios is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University as well as a Distinguished Visiting Professor of Leadership at…
Bin He, Carnegie Mellon University – Meditation and Mind Control
On Carnegie Mellon University Week: What if you could control something by just thinking? Bin He, professor of biomedical engineering, explains. Bin He is the Trustee Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Professor of Neuroscience at Carnegie Mellon University. Dr. He has made significant research contributions to the field of neuroengineering, including brain-computer interface, functional neuroimaging,…
The Academic Minute for 2021.08.09-2021.08.13
The Academic Minute from 08.09 – 08.13 Monday, August 9th Maura Pavao – Worcester State University Fermenters as a Model System to Study the Lung and Gut Microbiomes Native of Massachusetts, BS In Biotechnology from WPI and PhD in Microbiology and Molecular Genetics from Rutgers University as a NIH Biotechnology Training Fellow. Postdoctoral fellow at…
Alessandra Bazo Vienrich, Worcester State University – Place Matters: Access to College for Undocumented Students
On Worcester State University Week: Access to college is a big step for undocumented students. Alessandra Bazo Vienrich, explores the problems they face in this quest. Alessandra Bazo Vienrich is Assistant Professor of Sociology at Worcester State University. She received her Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Massachusetts Boston, where in 2020 she was…
Bryant Sculos, Worcester State University – Learning From Basic Income Pilots
On Worcester State University Week: What can we learn from universal basic income pilot programs? Bryant Sculos, visiting assistant professor of political science, discusses their effect. Dr Bryant William Sculos is a transdisciplinary international political theorist and currently a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Dept. of History and Political Science at Worcester State University. He…