Month: April 2018
David Kastan, Yale University – The Politics of Red and Blue
How long have Republicans been red and Democrats blue? David Kastan, professor of English at Yale University, determines it might not be as long as you think. David Scott Kastan is currently the George M. Bodman Professor of English at Yale University, having previously taught at Columbia and at Dartmouth College. Among his books are…
This Week on The Academic Minute (2018.04.30)
This Week on The Academic Minute 2018.04.30 Monday, April 30th David Kastan of Yale University examines the politics of red and blue. Tuesday, May 1st Arie Kapteyn of the University of Southern California delves into how active Americans really are vs their perceived activity levels. Wednesday, May 2nd Amelia Reigstad of the University of Wisconsin…
The Academic Minute for 2018.04.23-04.27
Academic Minute from 4.23 – 4.27 Monday, April 23rd Nikos Solounias – New York Institute of Technology How Many Toes Do Horses Have? Nikos Solounias, Ph.D., specializes in evolutionary biology, paleontology, anatomy. His research focuses on living and extinct ungulates such as horses, giraffes, and antelopes. Solounias teaches embryology and gross anatomy. He is…
Saida Heshmati featured on The Best of our Knowledge
As always, host Bob Barrett selects an Academic Minute to air during The Best of Our Knowledge. Each week this program examines some of the issues unique to college campuses, looks at the latest research, and invites commentary from experts and administrators from all levels of education. For this week‘s edition (#1440), Bob has selected…
Jerusha Conner, Villanova University – Students Should March and Then They Should Run
On Part 2 of our Student Protest Series: What happens after the students stop marching? Jerusha Conner, associate professor of education at Villanova University, discusses one way these young activists can also make an impact in the future. A strong ally to public school students and teachers, Dr. Jerusha Conner researches student activism. Her areas…
Jerusha Conner, Villanova University – Are Mass Shootings This Generation’s Vietnam War?
On Part 1 of our Student Protest Series: There’s been an increase in student activism after recent mass shootings. Jerusha Conner, Associate Professor of Education at Villanova University, compares this movement with another politically charged time in our history. A strong ally to public school students and teachers, Dr. Jerusha Conner researches student activism. Her…
Edward Cohen, San Jose State University – Teaching Students about Mental Illness in Vietnam
Mental health is a big news topic in the U.S., but not in every country. Edward Cohen, professor at the school of social work at San Jose State University, explores mental health education in a foreign land. Edward Cohen, Ph.D., is Professor at the School of Social Work at San Jose State University, California, and…
Elizabeth Tippett, University of Oregon – Employers and Sexual Misconduct
Employers can rely too much on law enforcement to handle employees accused of misconduct. Elizabeth Tippett, associate professor in the school of law at the University of Oregon, discusses why employers should be prepared to act without outside assistance. Professor Tippett researches business ethics, employment practices, and decision-making. Her most recent research, published in the…
Nikos Solounias, New York Institute of Technology – How Many Toes Do Horses Have?
Horse’s anatomy might need a re-write. Nikos Solounias, professor of anatomy and basic sciences at the New York Institute of Technology, examines whether horses have more toes than previously thought. Nikos Solounias, Ph.D., specializes in evolutionary biology, paleontology, anatomy. His research focuses on living and extinct ungulates such as horses, giraffes, and antelopes. Solounias teaches…
This Week on The Academic Minute (2018.04.23)
This Week on The Academic Minute 2018.04.23 Monday, April 23rd Nikos Solounias of the New York Institute of Technology examines many toes horses have and why it’s a point of debate. Tuesday, April 24th Elizabeth Tippett of the University of Oregon discusses what employers can do to stop the next Larry Nassar. Wednesday, April 25th…