Month: December 2017
Erica Salkin, Whitworth University – Student Speech Rights at School
What speech rights do students have while on campus? Erica Salkin, associate professor of communication studies at Whitworth University, explores whether schools can do a better job at communicating what students can and cannot say at school. Erica Salkin (@ersalkin) is an Associate Professor of Communication Studies at Whitworth University, where she teaches multimedia reporting…
Casey Andrews, Whitworth University – Peace Literature
Artists of the future can look to the past to explore how to speak out against war. Casey Andrews, associate professor of English at Whitworth University, discusses how writers between WWI and WWII tried to bring peace through their art. Charles Andrews is an associate professor of English at Whitworth University where he teaches courses…
This Week on The Academic Minute (2017.12.04) – Whitworth University Week
This Week on The Academic Minute 2017.12.04 Monday, December 4th Casey Andrews of Whitworth University explores post-war peace literature. Tuesday, December 5th Erica Salkin of Whitworth University discusses what rights students have to expression while on campus. Wednesday, December 6th Robin Pickering of Whitworth University examines whether social media makes us exercise more – or less.…
Jonathan Wilson, Haverford College – Re-Animating Extinct Plants
Planetary history can hold keys to preserving species when the climate changes. Jonathan Wilson, assistant professor of biology and environmental studies at Haverford College, examines how plant fossils can help current plants survive for generations. I received my B.A. in Computer Science and Earth and Planetary Sciences from Johns Hopkins University in 2003 and a…