Tag: psychology
Jean Twenge, San Diego State University – Are Millennials More Sexually Active?
Are millennials more sexually active than previous generations? Jean Twenge, professor of psychology at San Diego State University, explores if social media and other factors have led to a rise in sexual exploration among youth. Jean M. Twenge, Professor of psychology at San Diego State University, is the author of more than 100 scientific publications and…
Mary Steffel, Northeastern University – Passing the Buck
We like choosing for ourselves – but how about for others? Mary Steffel, assistant professor of marketing at Northeastern University, examines when people pass the buck when it comes to making decisions. Professor Steffel’s research is at the interface of consumer behavior, social psychology, and judgment and decision making. She employs experimental research methods to…
Vanessa Brown, Nottingham Trent University – Why Fashion Models Don’t Smile
Why don’t fashion models smile? Vanessa Brown, senior lecturer in the school of art & design at Nottingham Trent University, explores this question. Vanessa’s research is focused around visual culture and the relationships between identity and the potential meanings of everyday designed objects within modernity. For example, femininity, feminism and the image of the ideal…
Frank McAndrew, Knox College – Why High School Never Ends
High school memories never fade. Frank McAndrew, professor of psychology at Knox College, details why the memories made during our formative years are so strong no matter how old we are. To the extent that there is a common theme tying my research together, it is that I study human social behavior from an evolutionary…
Julia Jaekel, University of Tennessee Knoxville – Refugee Mother’s Child Care Practices
There are more refugees than ever before – what does this mean for refugee mothers? Julia Jaekel, Assistant Professor in the Department of Child and Family Studies at the University of Tennessee Knoxville, explains why keeping homeland child caring practices should be important for all refugee mothers. Dr. Julia Jaekel is an Assistant Professor in…
Thomas Brown, McGill University – Risky Drivers
Not all reckless drivers are alike. Thomas Brown, assistant professor in the department of psychiatry at McGill University, examines each type of risky driver. Thomas G. Brown, Ph.D. and his team of students and collaborators are developing psychosocial interventions to combat substance abuse. They also aim to identify individual characteristics of vulnerability in order to…
Wayne Gray, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute – Extreme Experts
What is an extreme expert? Wayne Gray, professor of cognitive science at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, looks at this group and their exceptional capabilities. Professor Gray earned his Ph.D. from U. C. Berkeley in 1979. His first position was with the U. S. Army Research Institute where he worked on tactical team training (at the Monterey…
Marcus Crede, Iowa State University – Is Grit Overrated?
Is grit overrated? Marcus Crede, assistant professor of psychology at Iowa State University, explains why this secret of success may not be all it’s cracked up to be. Marcus Crede is an assistant professor of psychology at Iowa State University. His research focuses on a variety of non-cognitive influences on performance in work and educational…
Adrianne John Galang, De La Salle University – Of Creativity and Psychopaths
Could being creative come with a side dish of psychopathy? Today on The Academic Minute: Adrianne John Galang, assistant professor of psychology at De La Salle University, explains why highly creative artists may have a bit of dark side, too. I have taught at the leading university in the Philippines (the University of the Philippines)…
Henna-Riikka Peltola, University of Jyvaskyla – Sadness in Music
Sadness might not be a negative emotion when it comes to music. Henna-Riikka Peltola, university teacher in the department of music at University of Jyväskylä, discusses how emotions are never as simple as sad or happy. Henna-Riikka Peltola graduated from secondary school in Savonlinna art high school in 2002. After high school, he continued his…