Tag: New York University
Eric S. Jackson, New York University – Stutterers Don’t Stutter During Private Speech
On New York University Week: Testing “private speech” for stutterers takes a novel approach. Eric S. Jackson, assistant professor in the department of communicative sciences and disorders, discusses this. Dr. Eric S. Jackson is a clinician-scientist, Assistant Professor, and director of the stuttering and vvariability (savvy) lab at NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and…
Angela Trude, New York University – A Click Too Far From Healthy Foods
On New York University Week: Online shopping for groceries can change browsing behavior. Angela Trude, assistant professor in the department of nutrition and food studies, explains why. Dr. Angela Trude is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Nutrition and Food Studies at New York University’s Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. She…
Cara Giovanetti, New York University – Dark Matter
On this Student Spotlight during New York University Week: How do you learn about something you can’t observe? Cara Giovanetti, Ph. D student in Physics, looks into this question. Cara Giovanetti is a third-year graduate student in the NYU physics department, working towards a Ph.D. after receiving a bachelor’s degree in physics from Princeton University. …
Madalina Vlasceanu, New York University – Bias and A.I.
On New York University Week: Artificial intelligence unfortunately isn’t without bias. Madalina Vlasceanu, assistant professor of psychology, looks into why. Madalina Vlasceanu is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at New York University and director of the Collective Cognition Lab. Madalina obtained a PhD in Psychology and Neuroscience from Princeton University in 2021 and a BA…
This Week on The Academic Minute (2020.06.22)
This Week on The Academic Minute 2019.06.22 Monday, June 22nd Susan Malone, assistant professor of nursing, determines if doing different types of exercise can help you not get bored while being active. Tuesday, June 23rd Deborah Archer, associate professor of clinical law, explores how racial discrimination can be hidden in less visible places. Wednesday, June…
Jennifer Pomeranz, New York University – State Laws Limit Local Control Over Food and Nutrition
Business interests are passing laws against public health interests. Jennifer Pomeranz, assistant professor of public health policy and management at New York University, discusses why state laws can be important for our health. Professor Jennifer Pomeranz is a public health lawyer who researches policy and legal options to address the food environment, obesity, products that…
Amy Whitaker, New York University – Rethinking Artists as Investors
Should artists make more money for their work? Amy Whitaker, Assistant Professor of Visual Arts Administration at New York University, describes a way artists can keep paychecks coming after their artwork has already been sold. Amy Whitaker is a devoted teacher, mentor, and researcher at the intersections of art and business. At NYU, Amy teaches…
This Week on The Academic Minute (2018.10.01)
This Week on The Academic Minute 2018.10.01 Monday, October 1st Amy Whitaker of New York University examines if artists should retain equity in their works after they are sold. Tuesday, October 2nd Susanna Ashton of Clemson University explores the story on an enslaved person’s journey to freedom. Wednesday, October 3rd Angela Dassow of Carthage College…
Monica Lewin, New York University – Blocking the Effects of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
On this Student Spotlight: Is there help on the way for those affected by fetal alcohol syndrome? Monica Lewin, PhD candidate in Neuroscience at New York University, examines how a drug to treat bipolar disease could have a positive side effect. Monica Lewin is a PhD candidate in Neuroscience at New York University. Her research…
Alex Burmester, New York University – Working Memory
If you’re listening to this right now you’re using working memory. Alex Burmester, research associate in perception and memory at New York University, explores this type of memory. Alex is a postdoctoral researcher in the Fougnie lab at NYU Abu Dhabi. His research utilizes psychophysics, computational modeling, and neuroimaging to understand how humans remember visual…