Lester Loschky, Kansas State University – Moviegoers and Eye Movements

Next time you watch a movie, try to control your eyes. Lester Loschky, associate professor in the department of psychological sciences at Kansas State University, examines how Hollywood directors have become masters at telling our eyes where to look when…
As always, host Bob Barrett selects an Academic Minute to air during The Best of Our Knowledge. Each week this program examines some of the issues unique to college campuses, looks at the latest research, and invites commentary from experts…
Will President Obama’s recent trip to Cuba help Afro-Cubans? Devyn Spence Benson, assistant professor in the department of history at Louisiana State University, examines the challenges faced by this ethnic group and whether change is on the horizon on the…
What makes the flow of a supervolcano travel so far from the eruption? Greg Valentine, professor of geology at the University at Buffalo, examines whether speed or weight makes the flows travel great distances. Ph.D., Geological Sciences, University of California…
A new technique to treat ACL injuries may be on the way. James Cook, Professor in Orthopedic Surgery at the University Of Missouri School Of Medicine, describes this new technique and how it could lead to a more active lifestyle…
This Week on The Academic Minute 2016.5.16 Monday, May 16 James Cook of the University of Missouri discusses a new way to treat ACL injuries in your knee. Tuesday, May 17 Greg Valentine of the University at Buffalo examines why lava…
The amount of food that is wasted in the United States is startling. Jeff Brecht, Research Foundation Professor in the Horticultural Sciences Department at the University of Florida, examines how getting over our fascination with perfect looking food could help…
As always, host Bob Barrett selects an Academic Minute to air during The Best of Our Knowledge. Each week this program examines some of the issues unique to college campuses, looks at the latest research, and invites commentary from experts…