Month: September 2016
Kelly Purtell, The Ohio State University – Mixed-Age Children in Pre-School
Learning with younger classmates may not be helping some preschool children. Kelly Purtell, assistant professor in the Department of Human Sciences at The Ohio State University, explores whether mixed age groups can hinder older children. Purtell’s research focuses on understanding how contextual factors shape health and development among low-income children and adolescents, and on how…
Andrew VanLoocke, Iowa State University – Perennials
The loss of perennial plants hurts an environment. Andrew VanLoocke, assistant professor in the department of agronomy at Iowa State University, explores strategies involving annuals and perennials to improve soil. Andy VanLoocke is an Agricultural Meteorologist in the department of Agronomy at Iowa State University. He conducted his doctoral studies including significant portions of this…
Lorraine Maxwell, Cornell University – Schools Falling Apart
The condition of a school’s building could resemble the learning done within it. Lorraine Maxwell, associate professor in the department of design & environmental analysis at Cornell University, explores if a rundown school could doom a child’s education from the beginning. I joined the Design and Environmental Analysis faculty in 1993 as my first full…
Claire Vallotton, Michigan State University – Dad’s Mental Health Matters
How important are fathers to a child’s wellbeing? Claire Vallotton, associate professor in the department of Human Development and Family Studies at Michigan State University, examines what effect being a good dad can have on your kids. Dr. Vallotton earned a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Simpson College, and a Ph.D. in Human Development from…
This Week On The Academic Minute (2016.09.19)
This Week on The Academic Minute 2016.9.19 Monday, September 19th Claire Vallotton of Michigan State University discusses the importance of fathers on a baby’s well being. Tuesday, September 20th Lorraine Maxwell of Cornell University examines if the condition of a school is representative of the quality of learning done within it. Wednesday, September 21st Andrew…
The Academic Minute for 2016.09.12-09.16
Academic Minute from 9.12 – 9.16 Monday, September 12th Scott Campbell – University of Michigan Solitude Scott W. Campbell, PhD is Pohs Professor of Telecommunications and Associate Professor of Communication Studies at the University of Michigan. His research helps explain mobile communication behaviors and consequences. Campbell’s work is published in Journal of Communication, Human Communication…
Julianna Jenkins, University of Missouri – Songbirds Face Risks Leaving The Nest
Not all birds face the same risks when leaving the nest. Julianna Jenkins, post-doctoral research fellow at the University of Missouri, explores the survival rates of two types of birds as they venture on their own. My dissertation work focused on understanding the transition between the nesting and postfledging life stages of Neotropical migrant songbirds…
Robert Edgell featured on The Best of Our Knowledge
As always, host Bob Barrett selects an Academic Minute to air during The Best of Our Knowledge. Each week this program examines some of the issues unique to college campuses, looks at the latest research, and invites commentary from experts and administrators from all levels of education. For this week‘s edition (#1356), Bob has selected…
Jean Twenge, San Diego State University – Are Millennials More Sexually Active?
Are millennials more sexually active than previous generations? Jean Twenge, professor of psychology at San Diego State University, explores if social media and other factors have led to a rise in sexual exploration among youth. Jean M. Twenge, Professor of psychology at San Diego State University, is the author of more than 100 scientific publications and…
Mary Steffel, Northeastern University – Passing the Buck
We like choosing for ourselves – but how about for others? Mary Steffel, assistant professor of marketing at Northeastern University, examines when people pass the buck when it comes to making decisions. Professor Steffel’s research is at the interface of consumer behavior, social psychology, and judgment and decision making. She employs experimental research methods to…