• The Academic Minute for 2017.5.8-5.12

    The Academic Minute for 2017.5.8-5.12

    Academic Minute from 5.8 – 5.12 Monday, May 8th John Rennie Short – University of Maryland Baltimore County Public Transportation Professor, author and renowned public speaker, John Rennie Short is an expert on urban issues, environmental concerns, globalization, political geography and the history of cartography. He has studied cities around the world, and lectured around…

  • Deborah Y. Cohn, New York Institute of Technology – Bad Gift Giving

    Deborah Y. Cohn, New York Institute of Technology – Bad Gift Giving

    We’ve all received a bad gift or two in our time. Deborah Y. Cohn, associate professor of marketing at the New York Institute of Technology, breaks down why someone would give without an aim to please the recipient. Deborah Y. Cohn’s research topics include diffusion of innovation theory, green marketing strategy, consumer perceptions, and consumer…

  • This Week On The Academic Minute (2017.5.8)

    This Week On The Academic Minute (2017.5.8)

    This Week on The Academic Minute 2017.5.8 Monday, May 8th John Rennie Short of the University of Maryland Baltimore County examines the state of public transportation in the US. Tuesday, May 9th Deborah Y. Cohn of the New York Institute of Technology discusses bad gift giving and why people do it. Wednesday, May 10th Bruce Peabody of Fairleigh Dickinson University explains why heroes…

  • The Academic Minute for 2016.2.22-2.26

    The Academic Minute for 2016.2.22-2.26

    Academic Minute from 2.22 – 2.26 Monday, February 22 Sandra Gonzalez-Bailon – University of Pennsylvania Slacktivism Sandra González-Bailón is an Assistant Professor at the Annenberg School for Communication, affiliated faculty at the Warren Center for Network and Data Sciences, and research associate at the Oxford Internet Institute. She completed her doctoral degree in Nuffield College…

  • Nikos Solounias, New York Institute of Technology – Giraffe Necks

    Nikos Solounias, New York Institute of Technology – Giraffe Necks

    How did giraffes get such long necks? Nikos Solounias, professor of anatomy at the New York Institute of Technology, explains the evolution of this iconic feature. Nikos Solounias is a professor of anatomy at NYIT College of Osteopathic Medicine. An expert in modern and paleontological  ungulate anatomy and biology, he has more than 40 years…

  • This Week on The Academic Minute (2016.2.22)

    This Week on The Academic Minute (2016.2.22)

    This Week on The Academic Minute 2016.2.22 Monday, February 22 Sandra Gonzalez-Bailon of the University of Pennsylvania explores if slacktivism online makes a difference in the real world. Tuesday, February 23 Timothy Amukele of Johns Hopkins University discusses how drones can improve medical access in poorer countries. Wednesday, February 24 David Hugh-Jones of the University of…

  • The Academic Minute for 2016.1.25-1.29

    The Academic Minute for 2016.1.25-1.29

    Academic Minute from 1.25 – 1.29 Monday, January 25 Janet Rubin – University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Osteoblasts My cell and molecular biological investigations over the last 20 years have been aimed at understanding the control of bone remodeling. In the last several years, we have studied how mechanical forces, including strain, shear and…

  • Martin Gerdes, New York Institute of Technology – Heart Failure

    Martin Gerdes, New York Institute of Technology – Heart Failure

    Reducing heart failures in the U.S. could save millions of people. Martin Gerdes, professor of biomedical sciences at the New York Institute of Technology, delves into a new treatment that could help us live longer and better lives. Martin Gerdes completed his Ph.D. at the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston in 1978 and…

  • This Week on The Academic Minute (2016.1.25)

    This Week on The Academic Minute (2016.1.25)

    This Week on The Academic Minute 2016.1.25 Monday, January 25 Janet Rubin of the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill explores if exercise can help your stem cells turn to bone instead of fat. Tuesday, January 26 Martin Gerdes of the New York Institute of Technology details a new potential preventive treatment for heart failure. Wednesday, January 27…

  • Gaberiel Bever featured on The Best of Our Knowledge

    Gaberiel Bever featured on The Best of Our Knowledge

    As always, host Bob Barrett selects an Academic Minute to air during The Best of Our Knowledge. Each week this program examines some of the issues unique to college campuses, looks at the latest research, and invites commentary from experts and administrators from all levels of education. For this week‘s edition (#1311), Bob has selected Gaberiel…