Category: Law
Clay Calvert, University of Florida – Filming Police
The filming of police has dominated the news recently. Clay Calvert, Brechner Eminent Scholar in Mass Communication and Director of the Marion B. Brechner First Amendment Project at the University of Florida, examines the issues surrounding capturing police officers at work, for good or bad. Clay Calvert is Professor and Brechner Eminent Scholar in Mass Communication…
Jeff Sovern, St. John’s University – Consumer Knowledge
Do you always understand exactly what you’re signing? Jeff Sovern, professor of law at St. John’s University, discusses the contracts we all tend to sign without really reading. Jeff Sovern is a Professor of Law at St. John’s University in New York City where he teaches Civil Procedure, Consumer Protection and Introduction to Law. The New…
Jo-Renee Formicola, Seton Hall – Church/State Issues
Discussions about the separation of church and state present a series of complicated issues. Jo-Renee Formicola, a political scientist at Seton Hall University, is researching this relationship in the wake of the Catholic sex-abuse scandals. Jo Renee Formicola, Ph.D. is Professor of Political Science at Seton Hall University in South Orange, New Jersey. She teaches…
Maria Cancian, University of Wisconsin Madison – Evolution of Custody
A great deal has been written about the changing face of the traditional family. With these changes in family dynamics, come similar shifts when divorce enters the picture. Dr. Maria Cancian, a professor of Public Affairs and Social Work at The University of Wisconsin Madison, takes a look at the landscape of divorce and custody…
Kirstin Matthews, Rice University – Biomedical Patents
With new technological advances come unforeseen legal issues. Dr. Kirstin Matthews, fellow in science and technology policy at Rice University, addresses the patenting process in the biotechnology field. Dr. Kirstin Matthews‘ research focuses on ethical and policy issues related to biomedical research and development. Specifically, Dr. Matthews is looking at intellectual property rights for biotechnology,…