Month: April 2022
Nathan McNeil, Portland State University – Piloting a Transportation Incentive Program to Support Residents of Affordable Housing
Transportation can be taken for granted by those able to afford it. Nathan McNeil, research associate at the Transportation Research and Education Center at Portland State University, examines how to help those who cannot. Nathan McNeil is a Research Associate at Portland State University’s Transportation Research and Education Center. He conducts research on impacts of…
Deena Burris, University of North Carolina Asheville – Funding Global COVID-19 Vaccines Through Bond Issuances
It’s easy to get a COVID vaccine in the U.S., but how about elsewhere? Deena Burris, associate professor of management at the University of North Carolina Asheville, examines the process who gets access. Dr. Deena Burris is a tenured Associate Professor at the University of North Carolina at Asheville. She received a Ph.D. in International…
Jeff Miller, SUNY New Paltz – Lessons on Democracy from Ancient Athens
Where should we look for lessons on sustaining democracy? Jeff Miller, professor in the department of political science and international relations at SUNY New Paltz, turns to the past to find out. Jeff Miller is a professor in the Department of Political Science and International Relations at the State University of New York at New…
This Week on The Academic Minute (2022.04.18)
This Week on The Academic Minute 2022.04.11 Monday, April 18th Jeff Miller, professor in the department of political science and international relations at SUNY New Paltz, explores where should we look for lessons on sustaining democracy. Tuesday, April 19th Deena Burris, associate professor of management at the University of North Carolina Asheville, looks…
The Academic Minute for 2022.04.11-2022.04.15
The Academic Minute from 04.11 – 04.15 Monday, April 11th Khurram Afridi – Cornell University Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicles Khurram Afridi is an Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering in Cornell University’s College of Engineering. He received his BS from Caltech in 1989, and he did his Master’s and Ph.D. work at MIT.…
Elaine Petro, Cornell University – Is There Life Out There and How Would We Know?
On Cornell University College of Engineering Week: Earth to space: is anybody out there? Elaine Petro, assistant professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, details whether we’re getting closer to finding out. Elaine Petro joined the Cornell University faculty as an Assistant Professor in the Sibley School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at in 2020. She…
Karl Lewis, Cornell University – Novel Approaches to Study Early Cell Changes in Musculoskeletal Disease
On Cornell University College of Engineering Week: How do we better understand cell communication? Karl Lewis, assistant professor of biomedical engineering, deciphers the signals. Dr. Karl Lewis is an assistant professor at the Meinig School of Biomedical Engineering at Cornell University. Dr. Lewis’s research interests center on understanding the interplay of mechanical cues and biological…
Uli Wiesner, Cornell University – Molecular-Engineering Cancer Therapeutics
On Cornell University College of Engineering Week: Some of the best engineering successes can be hard to see. Uli Wiesner, professor of materials science and engineering, discusses one tiny step forward in treating cancer. Uli Wiesner is a professor of Materials Science and Engineering at Cornell University and co-director of the MSKCC-Cornell Center for Translation…
Lara Estroff, Cornell University – Pathological Mineralization
On Cornell University College of Engineering Week: The machinery in our bodies that creates bones or teeth can sometimes go awry. Lara Estroff, professor and chair of the department of materials science and engineering, determines what we can do to combat this. Lara Estroff is a professor and chair of the Department of Materials Science…
Khurram Afridi, Cornell University – Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicles
On Cornell University College of Engineering Week: How do we charge electric cars more efficiently? Khurram Afridi, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering, looks into this pressing question. Khurram Afridi is an Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering in Cornell University’s College of Engineering. He received his BS from Caltech in 1989, and…