The Academic Minute for 2021.02.22-2021.02.26


The Academic Minute from 02.22 – 02.26

Monday, February 22nd
Jessie Hewitt – University of Redlands
Men, Madness, and Marriage in 19th-Century France
Jessie Hewitt teaches modern European history, with a special focus on gender, disability, medicine, and culture. Jessie’s articles on the history of French psychiatry have appeared in French Historical Studies and Contemporary French Civilization. Her book, Institutionalizing Gender: Madness, the Family, and Psychiatric Power in Nineteenth-Century France was published by Cornell University Press in 2020.

Tuesday, February 23rd
Jennifer Nelson – University of Redlands
Inequality and Healthcare
Dr. Jennifer Nelson is a United States historian with an emphasis in women’s history. Her dissertation became her first book, Women of Color and the Reproductive Rights Movement (NYU Press 2003). Her second book, More Than Medicine: A History of the Women’s Health Movement (NYU Press 2016), extended her research on the feminist and women’s health movements in the United States. She also co-edited with Barbara Molony a volume on transnational feminism, Women’s Activism and “Second Wave” Feminism: Transnational Histories.

Wednesday, February 24th
Tim Seiber – University of Redlands
Pictures on the Threshold between the Living and the Dead
Tim’s primary interests are in the history of media and visualization, especially as it pertains to scientific and medical image-making from the 17th century to the present.  He teaches courses on the history of science, media history and theory, feminist and queer science studies, and digital culture. He often co-teaches courses with colleagues and students in the sciences and humanities, and encourages integrative learning inside and outside the classroom through events planning, independent studies, and media production.

Thursday, February 25th
Kathy Feeley – University of Redlands
The Rise of the Hollywood Press Corps and the Making of the Modern Press
Kathy Feeley is Associate Dean, Professor of History, and Director of the Proudian Interdisciplinary Honors Program at the University of Redlands.  She is co-editor of When Private Talk Goes Public: Gossip in American History (2014) and author of Mary Pickford: Hollywood and the New Woman (2016).  She is at work on a book manuscript “The Mightiest Publicity Powers on Earth”: The Hollywood Women’s Press Club and the Shaping of the Modern Press in Mid-Twentieth-Century America.

Friday, February 26th
Kelly Hankin – University of Redlands
The Personal is Professional: The Study Abroad Film Contest
KELLY HANKIN is a professor of film studies in the Johnston Center for Integrative Studies at the University of Redlands in California. She is the author of Documenting the American Student Abroad: The Media Cultures of International Education (Rutgers University Press, 2021) and The Girls in the Back Room: Looking at the Lesbian Bar (University of Minnesota Press, 2002).
