Month: August 2018
Siddharth Vedula, Babson College – It’s Not Easy Building Green
On Babson College Week: Some cities are better than others at being green. Siddharth Vedula, assistant professor of entrepreneurship at Babson College, examines why this is. Dr. Siddharth (Sid) Vedula is an Assistant Professor in the Entrepreneurship division at Babson College. He holds a PhD in Management and Entrepreneurship from the University of Colorado at…
Davit Khachatryan, Babson College – Mining Patent Data for Public Good
On Babson College Week: What can patent data tell us? Davit Khachatryan, assistant professor of statistics at Babson College, explores how entrepreneurs can find some encouragement in the data. Dr. Davit Khachatryan is an applied statistician with research interests in analyzing intellectual property data to study the formation and diffusion of knowledge in emerging industries.…
Lauren Beitelspacher, Babson College – Changing the Value Proposition through Stories
On Babson College Week: Do you think of a product’s end of life when buying it? Lauren Beitelspacher, assistant professor in the marketing division at Babson College, looks into how people think about the environmental impact of products they buy. Lauren Skinner Beitelspacher (Ph.D., University of Alabama) is an Associate Professor in the Marketing Division…
Jennifer Bailey, Babson College – Managing Resources & Mitigating Risk in Entrepreneurial Firms
On Babson College Week: Starting a new company has many pitfalls. Jennifer Bailey, assistant professor of technology and operations management at Babson College, examines how resource management can be key to keeping companies alive. Jennifer Bailey is an Assistant of Technology and Operations Management. Her areas of expertise and interest include operations management, innovation management,…
Vikki Rodgers, Babson College – New England Forests and Climate Change
On Babson College Week: Climate change will be alter forests. Vikki L. Rodgers, associate professor of ecology & environmental science at Babson College, examines how dry seasons in New England will take a toll on certain trees. Dr. Rodgers joined Babson College in September 2007 and has taught a variety of ecology, botany and environmental…
Babson College Week on The Academic Minute (2018.08.27)
Babson College Week on The Academic Minute 2018.08.27 Monday, August 27th Vikki Rodgers of Babson College explores how trees in the Northeast U.S. are responding to climate change. Tuesday, August 28th Jennifer Bailey of Babson College discusses mitigating risk in firms. Wednesday, August 29th Lauren Beitelspacher of Babson College examines changing the value proposition through…
The Academic Minute for 2018.08.20-08.24
Academic Minute from 8.20 – 8.24 Monday, August 20th Bodil Christensen – University of Copenhagen Eating as a Tool to Avoid Re-gaining Weight Postdoctoral fellow at the University of Copenhagen Tuesday, August 21st John Kominoski – Florida International University Dams Drive Risk of Fish Extinction in U.S. I am an Associate Professor in the Department…
Edward Shannon, Ramapo College – Woody Guthrie, Charles Schulz and a Comic Book
What do comic books, Woody Guthrie and Charles Schulz have to do with each other? Edward Shannon, professor of literature at the Ramapo College of New Jersey, describes an interesting time in comic book history and how all these pieces fit together. Edward Shannon is a Professor of Literature at Ramapo College of NJ, where…
Dominik Guss, University of North Florida – Patience Across Cultures
The meaning of patience is not consistent across cultures. C. Dominik Guss, professor of psychology at the University of North Florida, discusses how different European countries vary in this regard. Dr. Dominik Güss is a psychology professor at the University of North Florida in Jacksonville. He earned a doctorate of philosophy in psychology from the…
Keely Heuer, SUNY New Paltz – Magna Graecia
What a society made can tell us a lot about them. Keely Heuer, assistant professor of art history at SUNY New Paltz, explores the ceramics of ancient Greeks. Keely Heuer is an Assistant Professor of Art History, specializing in the visual culture of ancient Greece and Rome. Her research concentrates primarily on the iconography of…