The Academic Minute for 2017.5.1-5.5

Academic Minute from 5.1 – 5.5

Monday, May 1st
Max Levine – Siena College
Dr. Levine received a B.A. from Franklin & Marshall College and an M.S. from The Pennsylvania State University in biological psychology. He also earned his Ph.D. in biological psychology from Penn State and held a post-doctoral fellowship there.

He served as assistant professor of internal medicine and psychology at Wake Forest University. He came to Siena College as an assistant professor of psychology in 2006; he earned tenure and was promoted to associate professor in 2011.

Dr. Levine conducts research in gastrointestinal psychophysiology; ingestive behavior; and stress and health.

Tuesday, May 2nd
Christina Starmans – Yale University
I am currently a Postdoc in Psychology at Yale University. I work in the Mind and Development Lab with Paul Bloom, and also in the Human Cooperation Lab with David Rand.

My research interests lie at the intersection of psychology and philosophy, and much of my work focuses on our naive theories about the physical and social world. In particular, I’m interested in how adults and children think about humans and other agents as both bodies and “souls” — that is, as both physical and psychological entities. A second line of research explores our commonsense ideas about knowledge and belief.

Wednesday, May 3rd
Rebecca Scott – Cardiff University
Paying for Pain
In January 2016, I joined Cardiff University as a Lecturer in Marketing and Strategy. For the period 2014-2016 I was an Assistant Visiting Professor in Marketing at the Eller College of Management at the University of Arizona and continue to teach Marketing and Human Behaviour for the Summer Marketing Minor Course.

I studied at UNSW in Sydney Australia, gaining my PhD in February 2015. During this period, I held a 6 month visiting scholar position at the University of Arizona.

In 2009 I completed my BSc in Business Administration with First Class Hons at the University of Bath.

I have taught at all undergraduate levels, my more recent teaching activities include: Services Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Retail Marketing, Marketing Policies & Operations and Fundamentals in Marketing.

My professional experience includes: Industry Analyst for Google (London), Ethnographic Researcher for Ogilvy and Kimberly-Clark (Sydney), Sales and Marketing for Toyota (Bath) and Junior Publicist of luxury consumer goods for Mission Media (London).

My research focuses on the social and cultural aspects of marketing. Using ethnographic approaches, I am specifically interested in areas of experiential consumption, multisensory consumption and ‘the body.’ I have two working papers that are in the advanced stages of submission, and three papers that are in the early manuscript stages. My research stream is centered around the role of the body in consumer research. My research blends discrete and overlapping bodies of work from consumer behavior, marketing, sociology and anthropology, which facilitate an understanding of embodied consumption.

Recent Publications

Rebecca Scott, Julien Cayla and Bernard Cova, 2017, “Selling Pain to the Saturated Self,” Journal of Consumer Research, 44(1), (forthcoming).

Rebecca Scott and Mark Uncles, 2017, “Bringing Sensory Anthropology to Consumer Research,” European Journal of Marketing, (forthcoming).

Thursday, May 4th
Stephen Yoshimura – University of Montana
Steve Yoshimura is a Professor of Communication Studies at the University of Montana, Missoula. His research focuses on the connection between emotional experiences, interpersonal relationships, and human well-being. He teaches on communication and health, communication in personal relationships, nonverbal communication, and communication research methods. He is a co-author of the forthcoming book, Communicating Revenge in Interpersonal Relationships, published by Lexington Press.

Friday, May 5th
Hui-Chen Lu – Indiana University
Coffee and Dementia
Hui-Chen Lu, is a Gill Chair of Neuroscience in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Indiana University. She received her Ph.D. from Baylor College of Medicine, Houston. Her research focuses on the signaling cascades underlying neural circuit connections during brain development, to understand how sensory experiences affect neural circuit wiring, and to identify novel factors required to maintain the health of neural circuits during aging.
