Month: September 2016
Yellowlees Douglas, University of Florida – What You Read Influences How You Write
You write what you read. Yellowlees Douglas, associate professor at the center for management communication at the University of Florida, examines if reading more polished writing can make you a better writer. Dr. Yellowlees Douglas is an associate professor of management communication in the Hough Graduate School of Business at the University of Florida. In…
Charles Mitchell featured on The Best of Our Knowledge
As always, host Bob Barrett selects an Academic Minute to air during The Best of Our Knowledge. Each week this program examines some of the issues unique to college campuses, looks at the latest research, and invites commentary from experts and administrators from all levels of education. For this week‘s edition (#1358), Bob has selected…
Jaume Padilla, University of Missouri – Fidgeting
Do you fidget while you sit? Jaume Padilla, assistant professor of nutrition at the University of Missouri, discusses whether this sometimes annoying activity can actually keep you healthier. Jaume Padilla, Ph.D., serves as an assistant professor of nutrition and exercise physiology at the University of Missouri. Padilla’s research focuses primarily on understanding the physiological and…
Richard Stevens, University of Connecticut – Artificial Lighting and Our Health
Turn off the lights. Richard Stevens, professor in the school of medicine at the University of Connecticut, examines the effects of electric light on our circadian rhythms. Dr. Stevens has been working for a long time trying to help figure out why people get cancer. One of his major interests has been in the possible…
Stephen Kane, San Francisco State University – Second Earth Candidates
The search for the Holy Grail of planets continues. Stephen Kane, associate professor in the department of physics & astronomy at San Francisco State University, scours the universe for Earth-like rocks. Stephen Kane has been researching planets around other stars for more than 20 years and has discovered and characterized hundreds of exoplanets, including Kepler-186f,…
The Academic Minute for 2016.09.19-09.23
Academic Minute from 9.19 – 9.23 Monday, September 19th Claire Vallotton – Michigan State University Dads Mental Health Matters Dr. Vallotton earned a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Simpson College, and a Ph.D. in Human Development from the University of California, Davis, mentored by Larry Harper, Linda Acredolo, and Kathy Conger. Following a year as…
Martin Krieger, University of Southern California – Primes and Particles
What used to be simple, may now be more complex. Martin Krieger, professor of planning at the University of Southern California, explains that as we look deeper into what we thought we knew, new details emerge. Martin Krieger’s current work is on defense and military policy, and on uncertainty and ambiguity. He has done social-science…
Scott Campbell featured on The Best of Our Knowledge
As always, host Bob Barrett selects an Academic Minute to air during The Best of Our Knowledge. Each week this program examines some of the issues unique to college campuses, looks at the latest research, and invites commentary from experts and administrators from all levels of education. For this week‘s edition (#1357), Bob has selected…