Tag: University of Florida
Jose Valentino Ruiz, University of Florida – Timeless Lessons from Quincy Jones
Quincy Jones left a lot of music and knowledge behind, so what lessons can we learn? Jose Valentino Ruiz, affiliate professor of Arts, Migration, & Entrepreneurship at the University of Florida, has more. José Valentino Ruiz, Ph.D., D.Min., D.B.E., is an internationally renowned musician, producer, and educator blending music performance, industry leadership, and arts entrepreneurship. As…
Joseph Larkin, University of Florida – What Do Babies’ Dirty Diapers Tell Us About COVID-19 Vaccination
Mothers may be protecting their babies against COVID-19 by passing along antibodies. Joseph Larkin, associate professor of microbiology and cell science at the University of Florida, describes the process. Joseph Larkin III is an immunologist specializing in autoimmune diseases and novel treatments for these conditions. He is also interested in understanding how human milk affects…
Angela Bradbery, University of Florida – Bill Names: Its All About Marketing
What’s in a name? Angela Bradbery, Frank Karel Endowed Chair in Public Interest Communications at the University of Florida, says when it comes to politics, it can be quite a bit. Angela Bradbery is the Frank Karel Endowed Chair in Public Interest Communications at the University of Florida, where she teaches public interest communications. Before…
Rich Pellegrin, University of Florida – Improvisation is the Future in an A.I. Dominated World
Improv is not just for comedy. Rich Pellegrin, assistant professor of music theory at the University of Florida, discusses this method in other mediums. Rich Pellegrin is Assistant Professor of Music Theory at the University of Florida and Affiliate Assistant Professor in the Center for Arts, Migration, and Entrepreneurship. His primary area of research specialization…
Trysh Travis, University of Florida – Magical Thinking
How are we dealing with the pandemic? Trysh Travis, associate professor at the center for gender, sexualities, and women’s studies research at the University of Florida, discusses why positive thinking is popping up again during this time. I’m a cultural and literary historian who focuses on gender and popular cultures in the 20th-century United States.…
Jenny Wilkerson, University of Florida – CBD
Can CBD be used to treat pain in humans without getting them high? Jenny Wilkerson, research assistant professor in the department of pharmacodynamics at the University of Florida, looks into this question. Jenny Wilkerson, Ph.D., joined the University of Florida College of Pharmacy in November 2017 as a research assistant professor in the department of…
James Shepperd, University of Florida – Understanding the Gun Divide in America
Why is the gun divide so sharp in our country? James Shepperd, professor of psychology at the University of Florida, looks at one of the dividing lines and how both sides are actually concerned with the same thing. My research expertise is in the area of Self and Self-processes. I am particularly interested in people’s…
Melissa Armstrong, University of Florida – What You’re Not Telling Your Doctor
Are you telling your doctor enough about yourself? Melissa Armstrong, assistant professor in the department of neurology at the University of Florida, explores shared decision making and how it can affect your health. Dr. Armstrong is an assistant professor of neurology at the University of Florida (Gainesville, FL, USA) and Director of the Mangurian Clinical-Research…
This Week On The Academic Minute (2017.3.20)
This Week on The Academic Minute 2017.3.20 Monday, March 20th Michael Mann of George Washington University discusses if your local weather can affect your belief in climate change. Tuesday, March 21st Melissa Armstrong of the University of Florida looks into what you’re not telling your doctor. Wednesday, March 22nd Uriel Cohen Priva of Brown University examines…
Yanmei Zheng, University of Florida – Free Will
Do we have free will? Yanmei Zheing, postdoctoral fellow at the University of Florida, examines the belief in this idea. Yanmei Zheng earned her Ph.D. in Marketing at the University of Florida. Her major research interests are intrinsic motivation and agency, with a focus on their implications for consumer choice and consumer welfare. Her research…