Tag: plants
Ben Schwessinger, UC Davis – Plant Immunity
We just found out that plants can hear. Now, we’ll learn about their complex immune systems. Ben Schwessinger, a post-doc at UC Davis, is studying how plants fight off pathogens. Dr. Benjamin Schwessinger is a Human Frontier Science Program long-term postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Prof. Pamela Ronald at UC Davis’s Department of Plant…
Heidi Appel, Rex Cocroft, University of Missouri – Plants Can Hear
To see whether predator noises would affect plants, two University of Missouri researchers exposed one set of plants to a recording of caterpillars eating leaves, and kept another set of plants in silence. Later, when caterpillars fed on the plants, the set that had been exposed to the eating noises produced more of a caterpillar-repelling…
Susan Kalisz, University of Pittsburgh – Recipe for Invasive Plant Species
Species interaction dictates a great deal of a location’s biodiversity. Susan Kalisz, professor of biology at the University of Pittsburgh, is linking the diet of deer to the success of the animals’ surrounding flora. Susan Kalisz is a professor of biological sciences at the University of Pittsburgh. She received her Bachelor’s degree from the University…