Tag: Michigan
Academic Minute Best-Of for 2016!
Enjoy some of our best segments from September 2015 – August 2016 right here! Florin Dolcos of the University of Illinois had a very popular segment last January on anxiety disorders and optimism. Anxiety Disorders and Optimism Prof. Florin Dolcos is a Faculty Member in the Department of Psychology, a member of the Beckman Institute’s…
This Week on The Academic Minute (2015.7.6)
Monday, July 6 Michael Howell of the University of Minnesota explains the importance of sleep training. Tuesday, July 7 Kentaro Toyama of The University of Michigan explores the equality of the use of technology. Wednesday, July 8 Larry Stevens of the University of Northern Arizona touts the brain boosting power of chocolate. Thursday, July…
Mark Hunter, University of Michigan – Flourishing Despite Climate Change
Naturally, species react differently to climate change. Dr. Mark Hunter, a professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at The University of Michigan, observed forest moths over a landmark 30 year study. Dr. Mark Hunter is the Henry A. Gleason Collegiate Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Michigan. He…