Tag: business
Daniel Newton, University of Iowa – How to make ‘Jeopardy!’ work for your career
This quiz show could help you in your career. Daniel Newton, assistant professor of management and entrepreneurship at the University of Iowa, says “What is Jeopardy?” Daniel Newton is an assistant professor of management and entrepreneurship in the Tippie College of Business at the University of Iowa. His research focuses on the causes and consequences…
Christian Kiewitz, University of Dayton – Who is Your Co-Worker?
What do you call the people you work with? Christian Kiewitz, professor of management at the University of Dayton, says there’s more to a name than you might think. Christian Kiewitz is a Professor of Management at the University of Dayton, Ohio. His research interests center around problematic behaviors in the workplace, such as micromanagement,…
Yi Cao, George Mason University – A.I. and Earnings Calls
Earnings calls can tell us a lot about a firm. Yi Cao, assistant professor of accounting at George Mason University, wonders whether AI can help us learn even more. Yi Cao is an assistant professor of accounting at the George Mason University School of Business. His research interests include corporate voluntary disclosure, product market competition,…
Bryan Acton, Binghamton University – Unveiling the Blind Spots in Leadership Evaluations
Toxic leadership can’t be allowed to fester at an organization. But how can we root out toxic leaders? Bryan Acton, assistant professor at the school of management at Binghamton University, looks for a way to do so. Dr. Bryan Acton is an Assistant Professor at the Binghamton University School of Management and a Fellow of…
David Buys, Mississippi State University – Still Growing While Growing Older: The Story of Agricultural Producers in the U.S.
Our farmers are getting older. David Buys, state health specialist and associate professor at Mississippi State University, examines how we can help the industry find new farmers. David R. Buys, PhD, MSPH, CPH, FGSA is the State Health Specialist for Mississippi State University Extension and an Associate Professor in the Department of Food Science, Nutrition,…
Jay Zagorsky, Boston University – Can Important Unions Collapse and Disappear
Unions can seem very strong, until they’re not. Jay Zagorsky, clinical associate professor at the Questrom School of Business at Boston University, revisits one union that came and went. Jay Zagorsky is an economist who teaches at Boston University’s Questrom School of Business. This summer he taught his 10,000th Boston University student. Professor Zagorsky has…
Insiya Hussain, University of Texas at Austin – Social Impact Framing Can Inhibit Job Candidates from Negotiating
Can money and altruism mix? Insiya Hussain, assistant professor of management at the University of Texas at Austin, explores this in the workplace. Insiya Hussain is an Assistant Professor of Management at the University of Texas at Austin McCombs School of Business. Her research focuses on understanding how employees can overcome the challenges of speaking…
Heather Vough, George Mason University – Why People Don’t Call Themselves Entrepreneurs
Would you call yourself an entrepreneur? Heather Vough, associate professor of management at George Mason University, says many don’t even when they should. Heather Vough is an associate professor of management at the George Mason University School of Business and a Ph.D. in Business Program Director. Her research interests include identity construction and sensemaking in…
David Grenardo, University of St. Thomas – Compensating College Athletes for Playing
On University of St. Thomas Week: College athletes getting paid to play is inevitable, so how should it work? David Grenardo, professor of law, looks into the options. David A. Grenardo is the Associate Director of the Holloran Center for Ethical Leadership in the Professions and Professor of Law at the University of St. Thomas…
Elizabeth Patton, University of Maryland Baltimore County – The Home Office and Work-Life Balance
On University of Maryland Baltimore County Week: A healthy work-life balance can be difficult no matter where you apply your trade. Today on The Academic Minute: Elizabeth Patton, associate professor of media and communication studies, examines how we portray work/life balance at home. Elizabeth Patton is media historian interested in discourses of gender, race and…